  • Raj A
    Raj A

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Placement in MNC's

    It's a dream of many engineers to be placed in a Multi-National Company. No doubt it has its own advantages and disadvantages. But nowadays, lot of my friends are finding it difficult to get placed in MNC off-campus. Can anybody throw light on how MNC's are hiring freshers or even experienced professionals? Are they hiring through private placement agencies? What are the reasons behind this?
    P.S: I'm referring here core MNC and not in IT/ S/W companies.
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  • Basil John

    MemberJan 23, 2014

    Core companies recruit very less when compared to S/W companies.I don't think Core companies recruit through private placement agencies.The only reason is openings are very very less when compared to S/W companies and hence only a few students get recruited through off campus
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  • Raj A

    MemberJan 24, 2014

    Ok. But don't they require manpower? It's hard to believe.
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  • Basil John

    MemberJan 24, 2014

    They do require.Its just that difference in the number of requirements and the number of companies.
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