Member • Mar 3, 2014
Pizza Hut's New Giant Touch Screen Table Lets You Customize Your Pizza On It
Chaotic Moon, co-founder of Ben Lamm came up with the idea of a touch screen table from a Ms. Pac-Man on the classic arcade table. He said that he remembered the days when he use to go to Pizza Hut with his family and would play Ms. Pac-Man on the classic arcade table. Chaotic Moon has been developing many mobile apps for Pizza Hut for the past three years.
It is an amazing idea and its greatest advantage is that you can visualize your order when you are constructing it and not before it is actually ready to eat. For this you only need to pick your topping, sauce, cheese or anything from the available items and place it on pizza(on screen). You can choose the size of pizza base on it. This table also has the facility of making payment online. You just need to choose the correct payment options. Currently Pizza Hut is planning to test it at few Pizza Hut shops from the feedback obtained they will decide to roll it out immediately or still it needs some modifications to be done.
Check out a video they've come up with -
How would you like to access such a table at the nearest Pizza Hut? Share your thoughts with us in comments below.
Source: Because Some Days You Just Want To Customize Your Pizza On A Giant Touchscreen Tabletop • TechCrunch