  • Pensu

    MemberApr 22, 2014

    Passion is overrated!

    So, I came across an interesting presentation today. Have a look:

    Goals are for Losers. Passion is Overrated.

    Now, I don't fully agree, but the guy does make sense. Not everybody has the passion or the talent to achieve his/her dreams. So, what do we do? Simple system to improve the odds! Now the question is, is improving the odds enough or you need to be passionate about a specific goal to be big?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorApr 22, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# A heart-felt thanks for this share. This is something I needed to read right now.

    There's an eternal tug of war going on in the brain among people who can't identify with the word 'passion'. There's just too many of us who 'like' a lot of things, but don't feel passionate about that particular, singular thing.

    I could relate to a lot of things he has said in the post and believe it or not, in the times where conspiracy about everything from politics to science - religion to philosophy is springing up for us in this information age - I always had this flickering thought in the back of mind that said - "Passion" is some word the successful have invented to define their journeys so far. And since the success is so big, the journey JUST could not be lousy and boring.

    Then again, I have seen people around me who feel very strongly about something. They will go to any extend to do/defend/practice that thing - that I saw my definition of 'passion' in their actions.

    I think I'll go order that book right away.
    Thanks again. 😀
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  • Pensu

    MemberApr 22, 2014

    Ankita Katdare
    #-Link-Snipped-# A heart-felt thanks for this share. This is something I needed to read right now.

    There's an eternal tug of war going on in the brain among people who can't identify with the word 'passion'. There's just too many of us who 'like' a lot of things, but don't feel passionate about that particular, singular thing.

    I could relate to a lot of things he has said in the post and believe it or not, in the times where conspiracy about everything from politics to science - religion to philosophy is springing up for us in this information age - I always had this flickering thought in the back of mind that said - "Passion" is some word the successful have invented to define their journeys so far. And since the success is so big, the journey JUST could not be lousy and boring.

    Then again, I have seen people around me who feel very strongly about something. They will go to any extend to do/defend/practice that thing - that I saw my definition of 'passion' in their actions.

    I think I'll go order that book right away.
    Thanks again. 😀
    Glad you liked it! Let me know how the book is! 👍
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 22, 2014

    Always remember that when you are reading Scott Adams, you are reading sarcasm! Scott Adams excels in the art of sarcasm and I love him for that.

    'Passion' is something that keeps you going with the proposed 'systems'. It's over-rated because people often get confused and annoyed because they can't find what they are 'passionate' about.

    In simple words - passion is something that motivates you to get up in the morning, excited about it - for days and months and years. For example, if you are passionate about playing guitar, then the thought of getting up early in the morning just to try out that new melody or chord would excite you.
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  • zaveri

    MemberApr 22, 2014

    Well i from the very beginning knew that whatever the billionaires of today said was their secret to success was not to be taken seriously, because:

    1) Which billionaire will ever truly reveal the secret of his success, and create competition for himself.

    2) Sometimes what people say, about passion and other stuff is easier said than done.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 22, 2014

    Making HUGE amounts of money typically requires two things:-

    1. Exceptional Business Skills

    2. Exceptional talent, ability

    Now you could succeed in business and become a billionaire or use your special talents to accumulate huge sums of money. You could be a singer who everyone loves or you could be a shrewd politician who can use speech to influence minds of people.

    Passion, however is a must to keep going when things aren't right.
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  • Pensu

    MemberApr 22, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Passion, however is a must to keep going when things aren't right.
    I don't agree with passion being a must. I mean, if you have found it, it's good, it motivates you to reach the goal, to work hard for it etc. But even if you don't want something "that" badly, you can always try something else, when things aren't going right. You can have several options to choose from and can go any way in-spite of not being passionate about it. May be you will be that BIG or may be you won't, but I don't think you "have to" be passionate about it. I guess you can be mediocre at something and still make it big, as Scott Adams said, you just need to improve your odds!
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