  • rama_krish627

    MemberNov 8, 2009

    Oracle training

    Hi friends. After a long time i once again came back to Ceens.
    I have a course DBMS in my semester. They suggeste us to learn oracle.
    Can you help me what to learn in oracle and how effectively it will be useful to me in future???????????
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  • Mahesh Dahale

    MemberNov 9, 2009

    For OCA (Oracle Certified Associate)
    1) 1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle9i SQL
    2) Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals I 1Z0-031

    For OCP
    1) Oracle9i Database: Fundamentals II 1Z0-032
    2) Oracle9i Database: Performance Tuning 1Z0-033


    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Oracle Certifications Exam Training -uCertify</a>
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  • safwan

    MemberNov 10, 2009

    Mahesh_dhalae your second link I was using it for my learning purpose and its very useful.Specially for students.
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberNov 10, 2009

    If you are familiar with SQL you will find it easy to migrate to oracle easy

    most of the syntax for writing the queries that you will use in your college are similar to SQL
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