Now, Clothes Shall Clean Themselves! Take That Dumb Detergent Commercials!

Pissed off at the stupid detergent commercials that portray cute little kids getting all dirty and make you believe that their detergent will actually clean it and make it look all new? Well, a new scientific discovery just gives these commercials an ON YOUR FACE gesture. Engineers have developed a chemical coating that gets cotton cloths to clean themselves of dirt and remove odours as soon as they are let out in sunlight. This promises to be cheap, atoxic as well as eco-friendly. If you come to think of it, it's also time-saving.

#-Link-Snipped-#This innovation could prove out to be a big hit with retailers owing to the increasing demand for "functional clothing". The research was implemented by engineers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Hubei University for Nationalities, and the recent issue of the #-Link-Snipped-# even published an article about it.

#-Link-Snipped-#The study concentrates on titanium dioxide, a chemical believed to be an "excellent catalyst in the degradation of organic pollutants". This matter is already employed in self-cleaning windows, odor-free socks and stay-clean kitchen/bathroom tiles. Earlier efforts to draw out its utility to cotton fabrics found out to be limiting as the substance's self-cleaning properties could only be activated under ultraviolet lights, which brings the impracticality of the concept for everyday use to the fore everyday use.

This form of functional clothing proved to be very popular in a surprisingly short time, mainly in Japan where the authorities demanded a inhibitory actions on air conditioning use after March's earthquake resulted in power shortages. It will also find its place in other parts of Asia where the temperature mostly remains humid and causes a lot of perspiration.


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