  • Most of the employees in India (~93% of them) believed that the standard notice period in companies should be brought down from 90 days to 30 days. I wonder what do our fellow engineers think about it.

    The need for notice period

    Typically, when an employee resigns, the company must find a suitable replacement. This replacement could either be found inside the company or hired laterally. This process needs time and hence most companies keep a safe notice period of about 90 days.

    During these 90 day period, the employee is expected to transfer the knowledge (KT) to the incoming resource and make sure that the transition is smooth. 

    But they key thing is - is it really okay to force an employee, who's made up mind to leave the organisation for better opportunities outside; to stay for 3 months. 

    From employee's perspective, it's better that he/she gets relieved in 30 days; but this may not be favourable to the company. 

    What do you think should be the ideal notice period? 30 days or 90 days? Or perhaps, 45 days? 

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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 31, 2019

    Based on my personal experience as I have experienced both situations. I would say something between 30-45 days is reasonable time for both.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 31, 2019

    It is a case of horses for courses.

    I have only been in academic jobs. The work just goes on. In my case, I always told the next employer that I may take six months for total disengagement and that I should be permitted to visit the previous place for any tying up of loose ends. I did need those six months in each case. However, it was only a personal commitment to activities that did need my inputs and I would have been uncomfortable leaving something unfinished.

    Before leaving I also prepared a detailed disengagement note with suggestions on what could be done to minimize disruption.

    I feel that 30 days should work.

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  • Jasmine SA

    MemberJan 31, 2019

    I have not been tagged in the discussion but I strongly feel that the notice period should be decided by the size of the company. We had a small company and had 30 day notice period. We later shortened it to 2 weeks because employees who quit would simply stop showing up at the office or just turn notorious by influencing others. 

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  • saandeep sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 1, 2019

    Notice period of 30 days should be enough, and in case of 60 or 90 days companies should provide a buy out option or something.

    Or flexible after 30 days with approvals etc..

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  • Anurag Sisodia

    MemberFeb 5, 2019

    I don't agree with any of you guys #-Link-Snipped-# , #-Link-Snipped-# and #-Link-Snipped-# . As a production manager my opinion is that the notice period is very important and companies can't provide any buy out option. Let take an example: if i give 90 days notice period to someone that means i want him to train one person eligible to take his position. Training one person is not possible in 30 days. one more thing is that why should a company suffer some damage because an employe want to change the company for few bucks. 

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