  • Nokia is building a smartphone featuring Android OS and if certain reports are to be believed, it may be launched as early as 2014. Nicknamed Nokia Normandy, this is going to be the first ever Android phone from the company. There have been numerous leaks and news items in the past that said that Nokia is working on an Android smartphone, but none of the rumors ever became a reality. After choosing Windows Phone operating system over others for its' smartphones, Nokia seemed to be never looking back. The company has definitely experimented with the Android platform in the past - which came to light when images of a Nokia N9 running Android 2.3 were leaked in 2011. They were believed to be likely genuine, as Steven Elop had mentioned Nokia had considered Android in the past.

    The heat surrounding a Nokia Android smartphone began re-surfacing when the New York Times writer Nick Wingfield revealed that Nokia had been testing the Android operating system on its Lumia hardware back in September 2013. He also shared that Nokia is also working on a new project based on popular Asha series phones called 'Asha on Linux' that uses a forked version of Android without Google services. Following that, after #-Link-Snipped-#, it became unclear if Nokia will ever come up with an Android device or not. But only recently, on 11 December 2013 showed the Asha-like device, codenamed 'Normandy' for the first time, stating that despite the finalisation of the acquisition, development of the device is continuing. It seems that Microsoft decided not to kill this project.


    According to reports, Nokia Normandy is a low-end Android smartphone developed to target the emerging markets, just like the Nokia Asha series of smartphones. Above is the leaked image of the phone, that is believed to be true to how the phone might look. The Normandy is said to feature a special version of Android, similar to what Amazon did for its “Kindle Fire” tablets. So, joining the list of cheap Android smartphones could very well be the next big launch from Nokia. Those who love Android and are Nokia fans can now settle for this middle-ground and get a “forked” version of the operating system on a Nokia smartphone.

    So, share your opinions with us - How do you like the idea of owning a Nokia Android smartphone?
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    it is good to hear but hard to believe and moreover may not be happening .
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  • Ajay Pandey

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    Microsoft purchased nokia. Android is competitor of widows phone . its may be nokia launch android phone but not essay for nokia..............
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    There might be clever idea hidden in this smartphone.
    You see when a proper Android smartphone is made it adds to Google's revenue but the Normandy even when it is not 100% Android will get access to Android apps even if it is not a proper Android. Consider it like a Sailfish OS phone Jolla which also is capable of running Android apps.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    This is for the folks who have dreamt for a hardware like NOKIA and os like Android.
    Very much looking like Nokia 520; and probably last of its series 😳

    If sources are to be believed this project started just before the Microsoft + Nokia linking and as mentioned in the article Microsoft allowed Nokia continue the project. If this phone will bit the success, it will be the last of its kind.

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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    It's too early to say anything. Hardware and pricing could get it going right once again for Nokia. If Microsoft wants to make alive their own variety of multi platform phone, it's always welcome. I guess letting in a little bit of android gene into the Nokia is only the beginning. I'd say, go for it Microsoft!

    P.S.: The added advantage of having MS office apps on Android!
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