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  • desijays

    MemberFeb 17, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    Hi All ,

    It was time new microsoft vista has arise to the Information Technology market....can anyone tell me its features & availibity......


    Its sick. Don't even turn your head that way.

    That help?

    sorry mate. pun intended.
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  • vibhor_one

    MemberFeb 18, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    Its sick. Don't even turn your head that way.

    That help?

    sorry mate. pun intended.

    Thanks to you for your concern.


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  • nishitsaurav

    MemberFeb 19, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    You will need lots of drivers to be installed for proper functioning of it.
    Means keep on to net for loooooong time.
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  • crook

    MemberFeb 20, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    You will need lots of drivers to be installed for proper functioning of it.
    Means keep on to net for loooooong time.
    I don't understand you. Do you mean vista doesn't support the latest hardware? Why would I need drivers otherwise? 😒
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  • c00lesh

    MemberFeb 20, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    You will have to go through many confirmation dialog boxes after clicking the button on UI😁.Thats really stupid stuff from windows.
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  • crook

    MemberFeb 21, 2007

    Re: new microsoft vista....

    You will have to go through many confirmation dialog boxes after clicking the button on UI😁.Thats really stupid stuff from windows.
    I still don't get you. What do you mean by confirmation dialog boxes? 😕
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  • desijays

    MemberMar 5, 2007

    you will have to click ok so many times, you might end up getting arthritis of your fingers by the time vista gets installed !!!
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 5, 2007

    windows vista is the most secure IS from MS till date .... and as far as the confirmation clicking is concerned it is a security feature that can be disabled so dont cry about it .....

    the UI is fabulous
    features such as searching the PC have been significantly enhanced
    wallpapers chnaging has been re-defined .... select an image and vista will apply and show u how it will appear as ur wallpaper rather than u setting the image wallpaer

    the creme-de la-creme .... aero - window tranparency just too cool to look at
    besides many more which i dont re-collect as of now

    by the time vista gets installed !!!
    half knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge
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  • desijays

    MemberMar 5, 2007

    You work for microshit mate? oops, or is it microsoft?
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  • desijays

    MemberMar 5, 2007

    windows vista is the most secure
    too bad you gonna regret saying that in a few months. I went to my friends apartment yesterday. They were having a bet as to whose internet connection will download vista quicker. !!!!

    and as far as the confirmation clicking is concerned it is a security feature that can be disabled so dont cry about it .....
    security feature? i've never heard of a concept, theory or otherwise where you can protect something by incessantly nagging the user with an endless supply of confirmation dialogs. Im not crying abt it mate. im actually 😁

    the UI is fabulous
    the creme-de la-creme .... aero - window tranparency just too cool to look at
    besides many more which i dont re-collect as of now
    heard that a 1000 times.
    my beryl desktop looks equally pleasing to the eye and it runs without hogging the CPU at 100%

    aero is actually the creme-de la-crap that looks soo good it needs a couple of cray computers stacked together to run, that consequently burns a hole in my pocket deeper than the mariana trench.

    features such as searching the PC have been significantly enhanced
    ever heard of GREP in posix mate?

    wallpapers chnaging has been re-defined .... select an image and vista will apply and show u how it will appear as ur wallpaper rather than u setting the image wallpaer
    You call that a feature?

    half knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge
    Well, that i agree.......... STILL !!! 😉 to a certain extent and i still think you could get arthritis using vista. !! nah. jus kidding mate.

    ps: you working for microshit mate? oops, or should i say microsoft.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 6, 2007

    too bad you gonna regret saying that in a few months. I went to my friends apartment yesterday. They were having a bet as to whose internet connection will download vista quicker. !!!!
    iv been a beta tester for vista (means got free beta copies and iv already downloaded the RTM version the day it leaked on the net 😉

    security feature? i've never heard of a concept, theory or otherwise where you can protect something by incessantly nagging the user with an endless supply of confirmation dialogs.
    it is a feature that when ever u install something new or any operation u perform which is considered as a possible route to a threat it confirms whether u want to continue with what u r doing or no .... and as i said advanced users have the ability to disable it 😉

    heard that a 1000 times.
    my beryl desktop looks equally pleasing to the eye and it runs without hogging the CPU at 100%

    aero is actually the creme-de la-crap that looks soo good it needs a couple of cray computers stacked together to run, that consequently burns a hole in my pocket deeper than the mariana trench.
    pleasing !!! u have no idea how cool the aero feature looks so :sshhh: as far as the upgrading part goes ....

    u cannot update softwares without uprading hardwares .... its the same with games ... and all they are asking is 1gb ram ... i dont think its much for the eye candy u get .... hardware upgrades and software updates go hand in hand .... when win 95 came didnt people shift to color monitors or they all cried MS is burning a hole in my pocket

    ever heard of GREP in posix mate?
    no 😉

    You call that a feature?
    a major 1

    ps: you working for microshit mate? oops, or should i say microsoft.
    no comments :sshhh:
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  • desijays

    MemberMar 6, 2007

    iv been a beta tester for vista (means got free beta copies and iv already downloaded the RTM version the day it leaked on the net 😉
    whats so secure about that?

    it is a feature that when ever u install something new or any operation u perform which is considered as a possible route to a threat it confirms whether u want to continue with what u r doing or no .... and as i said advanced users have the ability to disable it 😉
    maybe that is good. maybe that is bad. depends on who uses it !!. for me, definitely bad. 😁

    pleasing !!! u have no idea how cool the aero feature looks so :sshhh: as far as the upgrading part goes ....

    u cannot update softwares without uprading hardwares .... its the same with games ... and all they are asking is 1gb ram ... i dont think its much for the eye candy u get .... hardware upgrades and software updates go hand in hand .... when win 95 came didnt people shift to color monitors or they all cried MS is burning a hole in my pocket
    mine is pleasing, is what i meant. i don't want all the glam sham of aero. But it doesn't mean there aren't desktops out there as good as aero. things were simple in the CLI days. though i know you can't say that for everyone !!

    i still use XP and no doubt ill use vista. But never for day to day computing needs. When i game i'll use them. but thats all they serve. but lately im getting the hang of VMware in nix !! 😀

    no 😉
    sometimes ignorance is bliss, i agree. But not in this case mate !!!. i suggest you look it up somewhere!!

    a major 1
    you high or something mate? coke, LSD, MJ? probably delused !! 😉

    no comments :sshhh:
    a beta tester for vista has no comments !!!! wow
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 6, 2007

    - DJ & atkt -

    Peace !

    Both Windows & Linux have good points & bad points (another debate?) . Everyone has his/her own set of needs. Let's not make this thread a Windows Vs. Linux Debate!

    There's a Debate Mastermind section for it. Let us restrict this thread to new features available in Vista.

    I hope everyone agrees.

    -The Big K-
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 6, 2007

    you high or something mate? coke, LSD, MJ? probably delused !!
    when u use it u know what it really does i think u didnt really understand what it actually does ....

    the scenario now:

    u open my pictures go thru ur wallpapers in thumbnails or in some cases thru the filmstrip method ... and if u want to see how the image will look as ur wallpap u rite click and set is as desktop bg


    u use a third party app like acdsee

    the scenario with vista:

    it does the same thing as in the filmsrip view method but only difference rather changing the image within the window it changes the desktop itself and shows u what the wallpaper will look like ...

    and thers no point calling miscrosoft microshit ... lets be a little brutally honest here ... no 1 other than u or a few people around u actually give a damn about what u think about MS
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  • desijays

    MemberMar 9, 2007

    and thers no point calling miscrosoft microshit ... lets be a little brutally honest here ... no 1 other than u or a few people around u actually give a damn about what u think about MS
    You forgot the million or so stock owners that have invested in MS. They don't care about what I think ofcourse. They defintely care or rather worry about those that don't use Vista or XP or some of their other defective crap. And Im one of them. !!!!!

    Take a hike mate. Get your act straight and let the right stuff permeate your head. Or else ..!. off.

    An air of cocky contempt breeds the same. And thats the consequence. Im done talking with immature juveniles. Have your say. I ain't saying any more on here. Maybe another thread mate. Case closed for me.
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMar 9, 2007

    Im done talking with immature juveniles. Have your say. I ain't saying any more on here.
    may be u have nothing to say ... i pointed out the pros of vista but u failed to point even a single defect rather just said its too costly to upgrade ... whos immature

    and the time u said that u have not heard of the "security concept" your knowledge about vista was clear to me

    I ain't saying any more on here.
    u have nothing to say and u have said nothing .... and as far as the cockines goes

    some people use linux and think they are better than windows user .... whose cockier??

    PS: i neither give a damn about this "debate" cause the opposition has faild to point even a single defect in vista and has rested his case

    as the saying goes: the quickest way to end a war is to loose it

    and please speak about vista only if u have used it dont speculate that aero is crap or whatever until u have used it .... also please stick to the topic

    linux and mac fanboys start a new thread and we shall meet there
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2007

    Unfortunately, this thread is being locked.

    It is expected that CEans learn to respect other CEans. This discussion has turned into a personal war and no value is being added to the discussion.

    -The Big K-
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