  • kekuleh

    MemberAug 5, 2007

    Needing consult (FYP)

    i am a final year student having final year project. i am thinking of making a transformable robot (or is it 2-in-1 robot?).

    the idea is like this: i would buy 2 robots, an obstacle avoiding car and a walking (4 legged) robot. i want to combine this two so it would become a car that when it moves on an uneven surface, it would take out its legs and walk on.
    what should i expect in completing this project? or rather, what do i need to know /do?
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  • kekuleh

    MemberDec 9, 2007

    well, i had done researches for my FYP, and I came up with a different idea.

    i decided to make an automatic tilting platform that tilts in the opposite angle of the body to keep the platform level. if a glass of water to be put on it, the water wouldn't spill.

    can anyone suggest on how the design of the platform should be? i came up with one, but i don't think it's good enough.

    also, how do i classify inclinometers? are they expensive? and where can I buy them?

    thanks in advanced.
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