  • lolly

    MemberJul 12, 2009

    need to know about vortex tube

    hello guys

    I m a mechanical engg i studied a lot about vortex tube and its application i wanted to know is there any way i can make it i was planning to make 1 i need suggestions for designing and various other parameters to finish it any 1 intrested can pls reply and help me

    i saw some links on vortex tubes here are those -

    guys can chck it out and suggestions r most welcomed

    waiting for some good response 😁
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  • Rohan_sK

    MemberJul 13, 2009

    The concept of VORTEX TUBES is indeed an intriguing Mechanical Phenomena. A very simple yet absolutely fascinating phenomena of Thermal and Fluid Dynamics.

    The idea of transfering the heat of faster moving particles to slower ones and achieving variable tempreature and using centrifugal forces in a spiral, for the same, is wonderful.

    It can be an alternative to small capacity Refrigeration, but the Efficiency of this system is not better than other Low end refeigeration systems and is highly dictated by the Dimensions of the Hot End pipe, the degree of compression by setting the Stop Cock , and the Washer Diameter.

    The idea and the concept of working is though quite simple, the implementation of the same for practical purposes was in itself a different approach by the French scientist who first developed this concept and made basic designs.
    It was then developed by the Germans with some improvisations.

    This apparatus does not have moving parts , so problems like mechanical losses due to motion, and vibrations is ruled out.

    @Lolly : I think there is no commercial production of this apparatus on large scale due to no certain set standards to its dimensions and size.

    I think all you need to experiment is with some very basic plumbing materials like :

    1. Two normal CI pipes or tubes ( any other material like plastic would do)

    2. A self designed SPIRAL CHAMBER which is the heart of this apparatus.

    3. A source of Compressed air ( may be a compressor outlet)

    4. A Washer.

    5. Ducting from the compressor to the Spiral Chamber.

    6. Some nuts of proper size to join the two pipes.

    Now for the actual construction of the apparatus, Lolly this is actually something with which you can play on, and make variations all by yourself.

    I think you must try out :

    1. With different ratios of the Cold Pipe diameter to the Spiral Diameter and check out the tempreatures produced at the cold end.
    Try to increase the Cold pipe dia gradally over the length so that Greater Expansion takes place, reducing the tempreature further.

    2. Try to vary the Length of the Hot End Pipe and Also adjust the Pressure value by closing the Stop Clock more. And check the effect on the tempreature for same Inlet pressure of Compressed air.

    3. The Vortex Chamber dimensions can be varied to have a greater velocity in the Vortex produced. This will induce greater pressure and tempreature on the Outer Layers of the Spirally accelerated air and a higher tempreature can be achieved.

    At the same time, the core of the vortex will become colder, according to the theory.
    This aspect can be expeerimented and a favourable dimension can be finalised according to the requirement of tempreature at either end.

    4. Try using a different type of Vortex chamber in all.

    5. The Washer hole diameter will control the Tempreature of the air at the Cold End for a given size of Spiral and length and diameter of Cold end pipe.
    Variations in this diameter of washer hole in relation to the Inlet Pressure must tried and be studied to get optimal set of parameters like tempreatures at both ends.

    There have been recorded values of Hot End Outlet of upto 350 F and Cold End upto -70 for certain ratios. Make a chart of the results for various values of Washer Diameter to the Inlet Pressure to the Vortex chamber.

    6. Try using a Diffuser Nozzle instead of diaphragm and check the results. Do it for various Stop Cock Closures and study the varying effects on the tempreatures at each end.

    7. The Length of the Hot and Cold pipes is also not set standard , so you can actually experiment with it also and find the effect on pressure and tempreature.

    The Vortex Tube is itself an amateur type of apparatus where degree of refrigeration can be varied according to the need by varying either or any of the above parameters.

    There is vast scope of experimenting with this and wide range of results can be obtained. though it cant be an industrial product, it can certainly be produced for small scale refrigeration alternative for low economy sect of society, as it has no much input other than source of compressed air as it is made up of very basic low cost components.

    The scope of optimisation is very high here, so I think it all boils down to how much you can experiment with various parameters to come up with an Optimal Efficient Design.

    Let us know your ideas and the concept of the whole thing, correct me if I am wrong anywhere, ( always open to learning).
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  • lolly

    MemberJul 13, 2009

    thanks a lot for ur help ihave started to work on this project hope fully will get it done asap and u r right need to keep on experimenting so lets see how it goes will keep it updating ..

    Any one who can add some thing to this is most welcomed ....

    the spiral chamber thing for the set up u meant tht i need a spiral tube right trying hard to make this work lets hope for the best thanx a lot 😁

    Rohan u from bbay xD lemme know can work out togher 😁
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 13, 2009

    @Rohan: Your answers are always impressive! We are proud to have you on CE!
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  • Rohan_sK

    MemberJul 13, 2009

    @ Big_K : Thanks for the kind words.
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  • zorif

    MemberJul 21, 2009

    i build one longtime back.may be 5years i guess.
    i wanted it to use for my cnc machine.thought of using this instead of worked(not very efficient but ok) but believe me u don't want to use will make hell lot of sound,that u can't even talk to the person standing before u.
    i would have posted the pics and plans.but it seems i lost all.
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  • zorif

    MemberJul 21, 2009

    got my old bookmarks link.some data here might help.
    not sure abt the live links

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Ranque-Hilsch Effect Tube ("vortex tube")</a>
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">The Hilsch Vortex Tube</a>
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Vortex heating and cooling using air pressure</a>
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  • George54

    MemberJan 1, 2010

    i build one longtime back.may be 5years i guess.
    i wanted it to use for my cnc machine.thought of using this instead of worked(not very efficient but ok) but believe me u don't want to use will make hell lot of sound,that u can't even talk to the person standing before u.
    i would have posted the pics and plans.but it seems i lost all.

    Actually there are Mufflers available for anywhere between 20-40 bucks depending on the manufacturer. We have 3 Small Vortex Tubes running all the time, each one with a muffler on both Hot & Cold ends. Very quite. We got ours for under $125 from STREAMTEK. Check them out.

    George M.
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