my computer automatically restarts, is it a virus problem?

my computer autormatically restarts, is it a virus problem? if so, how to resolve that?


  • jd3cker
    May be hardware related.

    What type of computer, laptop or desktop?

    What OS is it running?

    How old is it? Did this start happening recently or has it happened for some time?

    How frequently does it happen?

    Notice any other performance issues? (popups, freezing, etc)

    Any blue screens upon reboot?

    Answering these questions would be helpful 😀
  • noddy007
    ur computer may be has virus prob but sometime it is operating system prob. u just format ur 'c' drive
  • Vega
    For solution, have a look at this post.
  • csiscool
    For solution, have a look at this post.
    thanks vega,,it helped me...
  • Vega
    My pleasure 😀

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