  • Microsoft Office 13, launched almost a year ago, seems to be exactly the quality of office product one can demand. With its rapid integration to cloud servers and concept of virtualisation, Office 13 has caught the eye on the charts. Office 13 seems attractive not only from performance point of view but also appearance. Dynamic animation is the center of the piece. You can actually see the words write themselves up. Still awaiting news on the voice dictator, office 13 I think just lacks the speech-to-text integration. It is all set to rule a the offices for a long time. I am personally using this and this seemed to be the perfect 'complementary gift' to the software industry along with its two big cakes- 'Windows 8' and 'Windows Server 2012'.

    I highly recommend you to try it. You will Love it
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberAug 8, 2013

    Microsoft the Software giant definitely deserves the best and they serve the best.In a recent article i had came across a news that they had introduced Office 365 specially for students under university scheme for 4199rs for four years.
    Whats your take on pricing?
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 8, 2013

    Office 13 is actually a whole lot concept of integration into Office 365. The university/education/enterprise are its various short handed modules targetted for specific user groups. So if you are purchasing that 4200₹ plan, it is giving you office 13 itself integrated into the university release. Basic Features and framework is the same, what changes is the cloud side servicing.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberAug 8, 2013

    dont they provide cloud storage faciity in this pack .
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 8, 2013

    dont they provide cloud storage faciity in this pack .

    Yea of course they do. What changes means some extra features, background modules/services. Some exclusive features for offices or enterprise versions. Or there may be a difference in amount of storage you get. Enterprise edition can be synced on to the Exchange Server. this is not required in Education system. so it will not provide that.
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