  • American toy manufacturing company, Mattel has sought the help of ToyTalk, a start-up founded by PIXAR alum to build a new variant of its iconic doll, Barbie that will be able to make full length conversations with kids. Instead of speaking pre-programmed phrases, the Hello Barbie doll will be able to understand kids’ speech and reply appropriately. Hello Barbie will employ ToyTalk's speech recognition platform titled PullString that has been successfully implemented in the company’s interactive iPad apps. Mattel started developing the product owing to the requests from children who wanted a Barbie that could speak to them.

    Hello Barbie

    A prototype of Hello Barbie was showcased at the North American International Toy Fair in New York. The prototype is equipped with a microphone, speaker and two tricolour LEDs that are embedded in the doll's necklace. Hello Barbie requires a Wi-Fi connection to transmit the speech to cloud servers which process the data and generate answers. The team at ToyTalk will constantly update the software to ensure that the new Barbie is able to provide better answers everytime.The doll once fully charged will be able to entertain kids for up to an hour. The folks from #-Link-Snipped-# were able to see the doll in action (video embedded below) and found that it was able to pick up speech quite easily. Privacy enthusiasts will be interested in knowing that the doll does not have an always-on function and requires the user to press a button to activate the voice recognition feature.

    Courtesy: #-Link-Snipped-#​

    Just like Google Now, Cortana, or Siri, Hello Barbie keeps a record of your responses so that it can refer to them while answering future questions. It remembers a child’s interests and is able to advise them on their future career paths. Mattel has not confirmed a release date or price. Barbie doll will be internet connected to chat to kids - BBC News has information that the doll is expected to retail at $75 (4,661 INR).

    The Author’s Opinion:

    While I appreciate the technology that goes behind Hello Barbie, one cannot help but be cautious about its implication on its target audience. Children are very impressionable and any errant reply from the doll could potentially affect children in the wrong way. At a time when children below the age of 13 are not allowed to open a Facebook account, they have access to an internet connected toy that listens and talks to them. Second, there is the privacy issue. Remember last week when we talked about the Samsung Smart TV Privacy Policy Reveals Its Eavesdropping Nature. Now imagine a toy that stores recordings of your kids’ conversations. It’s pretty scary isn’t it? I would love to hear what the readers have to say about Hello Barbie. Let’s build an interesting and informative discussion in the comment section below.

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberFeb 17, 2015

    Barbie is the children's equivalent of 'Fair and Lovely' and products of that ilk. My wife and I are very grateful that our grand daughter detests Barbie and the whole associated gew gaws for more serious pass times like reading, painting, clay modelling and such.
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  • zaveri

    MemberFeb 17, 2015



    SHAME ON U SATYA #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberFeb 17, 2015

    SHAME ON U SATYA #-Link-Snipped-#
    To be fair Satya did mention that he appreciated the technology but had reservations about the audience.
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  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberFeb 18, 2015



    SHAME ON U SATYA #-Link-Snipped-#
    The purpose of publishing this news was to showcase how the toy manufacturing business is adopting smarter technologies such as voice recognition and Siri-like abilities for their new products. We are not promoting the Mattel or Barbie brand through this article.
    We understand your concerns regarding the "Barbie" brand and its impact on children. You have to understand that we do not promote or advertise any products on CrazyEngineers. We provide information and our opinion regarding products and also invite responses from the audience.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 18, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# I completely agree with Satya here. In fact, the way this article is presented speaks highly of him. Even though I am a girl and stereotyping plays against me when all that little girls got as gift in the 90s are dolls, I never played with them after an age of 3 or 4. I am not saying that playing with dolls is bad, but there are lots of side effects to it. I had to go back to dolls (and enjoy playing with them) many times to be able to mix with the local group here, so that I am not left alone. 😀 One has to adopt.
    My 60 year old grandpa detested Barbies to the core and would much prefer buying a local doll (which represented baby girls) instead of that old lady-like barbies. He had his reasons for it.
    When I was much older, after reading and listening to better things, I realized how right he was and how sane we were to be listening to him.

    Satya's article here would have been incomplete without the last paragraph where he puts in his own opinion. And he balanced it brilliantly. #-Link-Snipped-# I wish you would read it thoroughly before labeling the act silly. I know from your posts that you are bigger than that! 😀
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