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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorApr 7, 2014

    I think we can have a separate discussion on this, therefore moved to a new thread.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberApr 7, 2014

    Aditya Deshmukh
    Can anyone tell me what is difference between mali 400 and adreno 320????
    It's like asking difference between Nvidia GTX 650 & ATI Radeon 7770 😉
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorApr 7, 2014

    The folks over at #-Link-Snipped-# did some good comparison. They have tested the Mali 400 on Samsung S3 and Adreno on LG optimus G.

    If you look at the specifications list, the major differences are found in the following parameters -

    1. L1 Cache (I/D)
    Mali 400:
    (32KB / 32KB) per core
    Adreno 320: (16KB / 16KB) per core

    2. L2 Cache
    Mali 400:
    8KB - 256KB
    Adreno 320: 2 MB

    3. Power consumption -
    Adreno 320 has low power consumption option and longer battery life.

    4. HDMI
    Mali 400: 1920x1080
    Adreno 320: QXGA/1080p

    5. Max Frequency
    Mali 400:
    600MHz, Single Core, 65nm
    Adreno 320: Quadcore up to 1.5 GHz,Dual-channel 533 MHz (8.5 GB/sec)

    Both the graphics processors have their own advantages and disadvantages. But as per some user's review Adreno is a better winner.

    Would love to read more on this from CEans.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 26, 2015

    Would love to hear more thoughts on this. Anyone?
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