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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 6, 2008

    Frankly speaking I don't know. Common sense says it shouldn't make a difference.

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  • aj_onduty

    MemberAug 31, 2010

    Is there any harm due to lightning on functioning of mobile phones? I am talking about a situation when the lightning strikes very close(not close enough to vaporize the user.). Can it be harmful in any way? I want communication and electronics members to answer this question.
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  • shreyasm89

    MemberAug 31, 2010 we have heard quite a few instances of lightning striking people on beaches during a thuderstorm. As aj_onduty said we are talking about a situation where lightning strikes really close to a cell-phone user. When a call is on, the EM waves are not of the order of megawatts to attract lightning to the user. Also most cell-phone antennas are MICROSTRIP antennas which are dielectric in nature so they don't conduct easily. Lightning could strike a cell-phone tower maybe because of the very directional nature of the antennas but not a cell-phone. But mostly during a thunderstorm if the air is so heavily charged I bet signal strength will be affected. So I suggest use your cel-phone indoors.
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberAug 31, 2010

    Thank you for the information shreyasm89
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 1, 2010

    I doubt it'll pose a risk for the user.. but with regards to the phone itself, the fact that it can have a receive sensitivity of -100 dBm or more, its possible it can be susceptible to damage from a lightning strike nearby. Theoretically 😛
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  • shreyasm89

    MemberSep 1, 2010

    @ash- you are right buddy!😀....Anyways the phone has to be very sensitive to adapt to changing signal strengths.
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