  • Kaustubh

    MemberJun 24, 2012

    It's Time To Lead


    We're super excited to announce the CrazyEngineers Community Leaders Program to all of you. Our community leaders program intends to discover the leaders within our community who can take up responsibilities and successfully deliver. We are going to identify the CEans to lead individual sections on CrazyEngineers Forums, beginning with few select sections and gradually expanding to cover all of CE.

    What CrazyEngineers Community Leader Will Do -

    1. Be responsible for the growth and activity of the section you are leading.
    2. You will actively create new discussions (at least 5, daily), make sure that no question/idea goes unnoticed.
    3. Co-ordinate with the mod squad for spam removal and other moderation activities.
    4. Offer feedback in choosing the 'CEan Of The Month' by identifying exceptional contributors to your section.
    5. Promote and attract audience for your section.

    What Makes Community Leaders Special? -

    1. Each community leader will be distinctly identified on CrazyEngineers Community through :

    a . A special badge attached to your profile.
    b. A list of community leaders and their respective sections in our announcement section.

    2. Community leaders will receive CrazyEngineers custom goodies [ you'll love flaunting them! ]

    3. We'll host quarterly awards for the top performing community leader who'll get cash prize and a personal letter of appreciation signed by CrazyEngineers board members.

    4. You'll be exempted from basic elimination rounds should you apply to work for CrazyEngineers in future.

    Community Leader Retirement Policy

    Each community leader will have a tenure of 3 months, after which he/she can choose to hand over the responsibilities to new community leader or continue for next 3 months. Should you choose to retire before your tenure is over for some unforeseen reasons, one of the mods will temporarily take over the responsibility.


    Every member of CrazyEngineers can apply to become a community leader, however those who've been a part of CE for long time and have contributed significantly will naturally get an advantage. In order to apply to become a CrazyEngineers Community Leader, please write an email to admin [at] CrazyEngineers [dot] com with following details -

    Subject: CrazyEngineers Community Leader Program - Application

    Your Name: [Firstname] [Lastname]
    CrazyEngineers Username:
    The section you wish to lead: Choose the sections you'd like to lead -
    1. Computer Science | IT | Networking
    2. Electrical | Electronics | Communications
    3. Gadgets | Software | Apps
    4. Debate Masterminds
    5. CE Events
    6. InFocus: News Talk
    Explain in less than 100 words: Why should we pick you up as a community leader for the section you've selected.

    We'll announce the leaders as soon as we've finalized the leaders.
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  • Neeraj Sharma

    MemberJun 28, 2012

    How many leaders will be selected per board?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 28, 2012

    How many leaders will be selected per board?
    Only ONE, per section.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 28, 2012

    Computer Science | IT | Networking & Electrical | Electronics | Communications seem to be the most popular ones. No single entry for gadgets and debate masterminds yet! Surprised 😀
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberJun 28, 2012

    Can we apply for more than one section?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 28, 2012

    Can we apply for more than one section?
    Yes, you can.
    The section you wish to lead: Choose the sections you'd like to lead -
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  • sridhar4362

    MemberJun 28, 2012

    I WISH THE BEST LEADER IS CHOOSEN. So that he/she will help us to show the right path to achieve the exllence.👍
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJun 29, 2012

    Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu

    If the sage wants to stand above people,
    He must speak to them from below.
    If he wants to lead people,
    He must follow them from behind.

    A good general, daring to advance, dares also to halt.
    He will never press his triumph beyond need.
    What he must to he does but not for glory.
    What he must do he does but not for show.
    What he must do he does but not for self.
    He does it because it has to be done.
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJun 29, 2012

    Done, mail sent .

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 29, 2012

    Great going folks. We'll announce a deadline for the applications in some time.
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  • docel

    MemberJun 29, 2012

    Hi CEans !
    Good to see the initiative - something like a Super Moderator..
    Hearty Congrats to the Leaders in advance !
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 30, 2012

    The deadline for the applications has been fixed at 1:00 PM (IST) on July 1.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 30, 2012

    Thank you for the applications. Those who've applied will hear soon from us.

    Keep an eye on the announcements. We'll be expanding the community leader program to other sections as well.
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    MemberJul 6, 2012

    Nothing for mechanical and other sections?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 6, 2012

    Nothing for mechanical and other sections?
    This ->

    We are going to identify the CEans to lead individual sections on CrazyEngineers Forums, beginning with few select sections and gradually expanding to cover all of CE.
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    MemberJul 6, 2012

    This ->
    Actually the quality of questions asked is increasing (and I am have seen only mechanical section). CE has added more sections. CE is growing. The new leaders will have a lot of fun in coming days. All the best people 👍
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