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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 3, 2007

    Enter the new dimension of I.T World,

    Check this site and Rate the Contents it as,

    its <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">IT Acumens - A Web Designing Company</a>

    Hope so it helps you a lot.

    Thank You,
    Thanks for the link. I'm assuming that this is not an advertisement & posted here only for the sake of knowledge sharing. What say, CEans?

    -The Big K-
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 3, 2007

    Sure only for Knowledge Base,

    Make sure , check twice, If Found Info's were not fine,

    Dam Sure i will Quit this Great Proud Filled Areana.

    Thank You,
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 3, 2007

    Sure only for Knowledge Base,

    Make sure , check twice, If Found Info's were not fine,

    Dam Sure i will Quit this Great Proud Filled Areana.

    Thank You,
    asudhakar, that wasn't do discourage you. It was your first post which referred to another website.

    Introduce yourself in Introductions section & go through the CE Common Sense Guide (link in my signature). We are a cool bunch over here 😀 .

    -The Big K-
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 3, 2007

    Sure My Next Job is to do so.

    Sure will follow your Guidence,

    Always Guide Us LIke this,

    Dont forget to check out and vote

    Hope So,

    Thanks Again The Big_K...
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Nice site, even me and my friend created and maintained a site for 2 years, but due to a problem with the domain registrar, the domain cant be renewed. Hence our site is down for the past 3 months.. All our google indexes had gone. We had a google page rank of 4.....

    did you submit the site for "gmail for your site" program. We submitted our site and got 1000 email accounts each of 2 GB. Each email will be #-Link-Snipped-#". The interface will be similar to Gmail but in the place of gmail logo, our site logo will be placed... Also our site approved for Google Analytics program...
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Thanks for taking to review us.

    I feel happy on your comments,😒

    And just i too have given my site to google, yahoo, ask , and many search engines even to .

    But i am not clear with what you said about the emails concept.

    Thanks for your review,
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Thanks for taking to review us.

    I feel happy on your comments,😒

    And just i too have given my site to google, yahoo, ask , and many search engines even to .

    But i am not clear with what you said about the emails concept.

    Thanks for your review,
    Dont stop at just submitting your site on search engines, may be it will take some 3 months for google for its first visit to your site. Read about SEO thing from various internet sources and try to apply it on your site.

    some tips for SEO from my side:

    1. After submitted your site at Google, Go and look for another site somewhat related to you, having good page rank and popularity and post your site address. Suppose, if there is an educational forum, you can create a thread saying that your site is having good educational related stuff. This is the better way of helping rather than advertising, because most of the sites dislike advertising.

    Why i'm telling to do this is, the google bot always checks a site for any new links in a site.If it is, then it will visit that new link and add to its index.So,the google bot visits that site to check for any new links or any pages updated. And it will see your site link and in turn, it enters the link which is your site. From now onwards, the google bot add your site link in his index. This is the best way of making a google bot to start indexing your site instantly.

    This is the method what we tried it out on our site. and this method increase the popularity since it came from another site having a good rank. If google bot came as a fresh, then there is no popularity added to your index.

    2. Another good method is using hidden keywords, i think you know this..
    At the bottom of your home page or anywhere else page (bottom is better),
    in the html code insert the keywords that most suit to your site repeatedly, with the small font size and more importantly the color of the keywords must be the background color of that page. So, if you look at your page, you cant see the keywords, because the color of the keywords is the background color of the page itself. But you can see it if you click and drag the mouse under the when you highlight it. Humans cant see the keywords but Googlebot can.

    3. Third and more important thing, dont use the same keyword more than 7 times. Because search engines ignore the site for ever if the keywords appear more than 7 times...

    A long boring thing. I think you can understand what i said above.

    If you have a doubt, ask here.
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    I checked your site with google's site: keyword, it started indexing and had indexed upto some 30 to 40 links.

    And your site got a page rank of 1 out of 10.

    Only a few sites got 10/10 page rank, Adobe and Macromedia are the examples of site having 10/10 rank...
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    I came across all those things previously,

    Nicely Explained by you.

    And first in google i index with some issues,

    But after that issue i made a perfect place on yahoo, msn live, ask jeeves and in many place,

    Just check out using our site name as keyword.

    We have indexed clearly.

    And even now we are working for google.

    Nice info by you.

    What happen to you site work,

    What's the target on your site,

    Give some references to it.

    If possible i will Give space to you to post ...

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    I came across all those things previously,

    Nicely Explained by you.

    And first in google i index with some issues,

    But after that issue i made a perfect place on yahoo, msn live, ask jeeves and in many place,

    Just check out using our site name as keyword.

    We have indexed clearly.

    And even now we are working for google.

    Nice info by you.

    What happen to you site work,

    What's the target on your site,

    Give some references to it.

    If possible i will Give space to you to post ...

    our site name is actually it was first created by my friend and then i joined him. Its just like your site. A site for engineers. We have forums, downloads sections containing aptitude questions, puzzles.

    and we used PHP CMS (Content Management System).

    Also we had two sections, one for live cricket results which will be updated from , and another for Anna University results, as soon as the anna university announces the results, we update the link, so that you can check your results without going to anna univ. The point is due to traffic, you cant use anna univ site to check results, but our site can within seconds.

    These two things(even though this is somewhat illegal) make our site more popular, so we got page rank 4.

    and about the website name , we have to pronounce it as cse, just replace the middle letter 's' with 'yes' , thus cse becomes cyese..;-)

    We got domain name as free promo. But at the time of expiration, the registrar is holding the site name, so we cant renew it. and we planned to register

    One more thing, there is an electronics company called [edit]. at the time of initial development, if we search for cyese, their site came first. But after one year, we defeated that company in indexing, even though the company is investing money for SEO.
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Where are you from.

    I thing now your are working some where.

    Ok want any space to get your site back. Our you got bored.

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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Where are you from.

    I thing now your are working some where.

    Ok want any space to get your site back. Our you got bored.

    I'm not working, I'm a fresh BE CS engineer passed out at 2006. I'm from same state as you, yes Tamil Nadu, and native is not chennai, but had been in chennai for the past 6 months(for job searching 😁 ). My Native is madurai, but my family is in Rajapalayam. I got placed in TCS, going to join by february. Now enjoying holidays in Rajapalayam.

    and about space, no need for it. I'm a Reseller for web hosting, but now temporarily stopped it. Decided to start Reseller hosting and registered a name [edit] to look like a hosting company. But that plan is temporarily dropped now. So, i can have unlimited space with unlimited bw for me. 😁
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Me 2 Got Placed In Infy dec 2006,

    Now Undergoing Project for Final Year,

    Will join Infy on next dec 07 - For Training On Mysore,

    Almost enjoying holidays as well project Days 😁

    Really your Info's are great.

    Me 2 working for many sites, now I am a Reseller for last 6 months , have some Clients too.

    Try to get my support company id and msg your id...

    Thanks and Regards,
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Congratulations, you have a lot of time, gain more knowledge, its the best time.

    If i got busy with job 😎 , i will drop the reseller idea permanently...
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Ok sure,

    But i wont,

    Ok keep in touch and give me some better idea regarding web hosting and life too.

    Hope so,

    Leave mail address .

    Thanks & Regards,
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Regarding web hosting, its easy, you know almost all the hosting centers in chennai just ripping pages from other sites and changing the text and asking upto Rs.8000 for just 5 to 6 plain html pages, no dynamic content. The original creator of our site is now working in a small such type of company. He also have such experiences everyday.

    and regarding the "Gmail for Your site" program, see this page

    (if the page doesnt open, try typing the above address manually in the address bar)

    Give your full mail address, i will create you a email so that you can login at above page,and you can know how this will look like?

    My Gmail id is yahoo id is [edit]

    even i had my personal website #-Link-Snipped-#, but its been expired now. Have to renew it later. This domain also registered as free during the introduction of europe country domains.😉
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    I just heard ,

    Its just great know.

    Really superb concept,

    i tried typing with yours and not on,

    so i got it.

    Tell me how many mail id's i can have and for how many year,

    and How to acheive those thinks soon,

    Explain Simply and clearly...

    Thanks and Regards,
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Google introduced this initiation one year back i think, i dont know whether they are still continuing this program, have to check it later. First we have to submit our site,just we do for indexing, then their team will analyze the site as well as page rank and popularity, if they satisfied, they will give out 100 email addresses as initial amount. They said that they will give out more after some months, but they immediately give out 1000 accounts the next day 😁 . I dont know why? For us, it took 5 months to get the approval.

    Leave your email id, i will create you an email, so that you have an look at how it works...

    I'm going to sleep, so i will get to you tomorrow.
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Sure My Email Address or,

    business : #-Link-Snipped-#

    personel : #-Link-Snipped-#

    and send me the steps to register.

    I too will proceed ok for further .

    And Happy Life'ing.

    Thanks and Regards,
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    hey, i created an email and sent the instructions to your email, check it out and have a look at how it is similar to gmail but with our own site logo and our site name instead of gmail at the title bar.

    and for more info about this visit
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Akravikanth thanks

    after you send that link i screwed that google fully and got all the stuffs by yesterday itself after you left

    Now I have completed hosted and Got permission from them

    Its really rocks

    I slept only today after noon at 1

    Worked continously for 8 hours and completed all the works .

    Now installing all the email, and transfering to the current pannel.

    Just check it out and reply .


    Thanks and Regards,
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Akravikanth thanks

    after you send that link i screwed that google fully and got all the stuffs by yesterday itself after you left

    Now I have completed hosted and Got permission from them

    Its really rocks

    I slept only today after noon at 1

    Worked continously for 8 hours and completed all the works .

    Now installing all the email, and transfering to the current pannel.

    Just check it out and reply .


    Thanks and Regards,
    that good.. i surprised of google immediately giving out offers. When this was introduced, there is no signup, only invite system. We got invitation from Google, and they proposed a lot of stipulations in order to get our site approved and it took almost 4 months for the approval, now its easy.. 😁 and only you the admin can create accounts.. Enjoy..

    Also try Google analytics, **edit**, its very interesting and if you look at the site statistics provided by them, you will come to knw how great and innovative google is, they will provide a lot of info once you get into google analytics...

    Ok, had you shared this with your friends, now your site got a strong attention and highlight, impact, right...
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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Yes really, and tell some thing about you,

    College place and what doing at this midnight times,

    I will usually update my site.

    How about you and any special things.

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 6, 2007

    A SudhaKar
    Yes really, and tell some thing about you,

    College place and what doing at this midnight times,

    I will usually update my site.

    How about you and any special things.

    My native is Madurai, but as soon as i was born, my family moved to Rajapalayam, which is 100 kms away from madurai and on the way to Kourtalam. I completed my School stage at Rajapalayam. I had my BE Engg at KLN College of IT, at Madurai.

    Usually i will sleep at 4 am during the college days and 7 am during holidays. My attendance percentage never reached above 65%. My college timing starts at 8 am, but i will go to by 11 am, and most of the time will not be in class room. We enjoyed a very lot in college that no one in this world can enjoy.

    I'm going to join TCS by feb first week. The location is not given to me. I will come to chennai within 3 to 4 days. I had my written test for TCS at your Vel tech, but in Multimedia college....
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 15, 2007

    hope so You have joined on TCS,

    How about it.

    Scrap when you find time Mr.A.K.Ravikanth.

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  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 22, 2007

    I'm going to join TCS by feb first week. The location is not given to me. I will come to chennai within 3 to 4 days. I had my written test for TCS at your Vel tech, but in Multimedia college....

    Hi Ak Ravi Kanth !!!

    Hope you have settled now.

    How are you and did you see the latest version updated in My site.

    Just check out and give me a feedback here.

    Thanks and Regards,
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">IT Acumens - A Web Designing Company</a>
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJan 28, 2007

    A SudhaKar
    Enter the new dimension of I.T World,

    Check this site and Rate the Contents it as,

    its <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">IT Acumens - A Web Designing Company</a>

    Hope so it helps you a lot.

    Thank You,
    Good Work, Thanks.
    Again the same message to you dear, Before giving any site, give a small idea about that so user will open that site out of curosity..

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • SudhaKar Arjunan

    MemberJan 29, 2007

    Good Work, Thanks.
    Again the same message to you dear, Before giving any site, give a small idea about that so user will open that site out of curosity..

    Sure Buddy.
    As a Web User/Analyser for last 8 years i thought .

    All can find as the Name/Caption alias,

    I.T - Info. Tech &
    Acumen - Keen power of understanding/insight & etc...

    Altogether - 'IT Acumens' - The place where Intellegent Get Together.

    Ok refer to Engineers.

    Anyhow Thanks Buddy.

    A.Sudhakar...<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">IT Acumens - A Web Designing Company</a>
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