  • CEans,

    Could anyone here let me know if it is possible to alter our own IP address so as to 'appear' to be connected to the Internet from a different location (country)?

    I hope my question is clear. I do NOT want techniques to do, just let me know if it is possible.

    Case Study:

    Evil hacker "A", physically located at location "x" alters his IP address so that he/she appears to be located at "y" to a person "B". "B" has denied access to to his blog to users from region "x", but since "A" appears to be from "y", A can break into "B"s blog.

    Awaiting your responses.
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  • MaRo

    MemberJul 10, 2008

    Yes, Big K.
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  • koli

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Yes, Big K.
    I dont think so.
    How can you manupulate destination system (without hacking) detect different IP other then the actual source.
    Ofcourse some web proxys wud help, if thats what you are hinting on MaRo.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 11, 2008

    I'm trying to find out if we can minimize hacking attempts by blocking IP from a particular destination.

    But if altering IP address is possible, banning of IPs won't be of much use. Any hacker would alter his/her IP and still hack the target website.

    MaRo - could you just briefly tell us how is it possible?
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    I'm trying to find out if we can minimize hacking attempts by blocking IP from a particular destination.

    But if altering IP address is possible, banning of IPs won't be of much use. Any hacker would alter his/her IP and still hack the target website.

    MaRo - could you just briefly tell us how is it possible?

    Biggi - I don't have loads of knowledge of networking still I will try to answer your question.

    Example:- Suppose I have a IP range 172.16.XXX.XXX, but whenever I will try to access any networks, my IP will be traced in the system by my proxy's IP. If I will use proxy in a proxy then I can fool the system. Say if I will use my proxy, which will use any free proxy of US then for any system logs it will appear as I am trying to access from US system.

    Maro - Please confirm if I have a bit of correct knowledge in this mail.

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  • MaRo

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    Yes, Proxy server that's redirecting to web proxy.
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  • cyberdyne

    MemberJul 11, 2008

    hi ,
    my friend it is defnitely possible and it is a head ache to detect it.The process is called IP spoofing and there are many tools to do it.
    for more information c this link
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  • JonathanAinsley

    MemberJul 13, 2008

    any computer data can be manipulated.

    how easy is it?
    i'm going to the spoofing link to find out
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 14, 2008

    hi ,
    my friend it is defnitely possible and it is a head ache to detect it.The process is called IP spoofing and there are many tools to do it.
    for more information c this link
    Cool stuff man.... Thanks!

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  • friendster7

    MemberJul 14, 2008

    hey big_k we can change the IP address by using so many software.It converts the original IP address to Proxy address.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 14, 2008

    Yes, I checked the IP spoofing thing. Thanks for the information guys!
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  • aman gupta

    MemberJul 14, 2008

    yes its possible...............
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 17, 2008

    Thanks for all your responses, friends. I gathered all necessary information 😀 !
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  • th3 ied kid

    MemberJul 21, 2008

    hey long time ago i read in a book that computer forensic experts do have
    techniques to boil out the client ip out of proxy coz proxies were made with
    intention of NOT hiding client ip proxies aren't secure from expert systems if u wish anonymity
    But for those hackers sake herez the world called university most university offers free wifi internet that work on proxies ...and many restros, airports..kiosks etc implement such wified proxy u cud hack n run kinda stuff to stay low!
    Well for basic not so intensive server scripts ..proxies are a
    seperate the good from the bad ...may be evil will be of some help some day!!
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  • saurabh

    MemberJul 21, 2008

    hi ,
    my friend it is defnitely possible and it is a head ache to detect it.The process is called IP spoofing and there are many tools to do it.
    for more information c this link

    Ya i agree...Its IP Spoofing....
    In IP spoofing, an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer or a network by making it appear that a malicious message has come from a trusted machine by “spoofing” the IP address of that machine....its also used in DoS attacks...
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  • niraj.kumar

    MemberJul 24, 2008


    if u need further help .. then u can ask
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  • Kathryn

    MemberJul 24, 2008

    yes it is possible.Yes, I checked the IP spoofing thing. Thanks for the information!

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  • anjaneai

    MemberJul 24, 2008

    yes u definatly can do it! i have done it several tym to paralyze d download limit on several sites!u didnt ask so i wnt mention how!..c ya the big K
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  • sandy r

    MemberAug 26, 2008

    please forgive me, but I need some help here. (I can't even find the new thread post on the page that my web search brought me to...)

    Several emails dissing my employer have supposedly been traced to my home computer by IDing IP addresses.
    I did NOT send them
    How is this possible?

    Thank you -
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  • anuragh27crony

    MemberAug 26, 2008

    @Sandy R
    There are many possibilities...
    1. May be your mail id and password or your system might have been hacked.....

    2. There may be possibility that other person might have spoofed your IP that at destination during verification your IP address is noticed.

    My doubt is how can a hacker can come to know about email ID of your employer... i think 1st possibility might have happened
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  • niraj.kumar

    MemberAug 27, 2008

    Well you may be using the same external IP . Like in my case the whole society which is connected to the same service provider have same external IP Address.

    So you should not worry about this if it is really serious your Service provide can tell you about the exact person through (NAT).
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  • anuragh27crony

    MemberAug 27, 2008


    But in general the ISP's assign random global IP addresses to the system using their service....from a pool.. and changes from time to time.

    ***Proxy server uses the NAT scheme...not all ISP's use them***

    so It's even hard for them to say....which machine has been assigned what.... other than they can provide the Physical address of a system which was assigned particular IP address at particular session
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberAug 27, 2008 big deal
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberAug 27, 2008

    telling exact location of the person using IP is possible,,, i dont know how but i know it is possible coz i know cyber cell people and hackers use it.
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  • shadeslayer

    MemberAug 27, 2008

    IP spoofing is possible and can be detactable also .. IF and person is using the proxy still u can find that persons orignal IP and find the locatin,atlest up to city u can easily find....

    if u get a chance to know that if that person is hosting webs than u can even find his contact numbers.....
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  • sandy r

    MemberAug 27, 2008

    thank you - the person wis sending emails with my IP knows the name and email of my employer.
    I'm sure she is spoofing or hacking - tank you so much.
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