  • Every organisation today, let it be big or small is more or less dependent on computers. In other words, say it like this "We have become techie!". I have often heard people using 'antediluvian(old-fashioned, out-of-date)' for organisations/people not having the knowledge on computer's operation. Computer is an efficient mean connecting you to the world, it is fast, and moreover you don't have to be necessarily at the work position to carry out your work. Its good that we are searching for efficient means for carrying out our work but still there is one question that peeps into mind "Is dependence on computers a good thing?"
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 9, 2007

    i want to ask u in what terms do u mean to say 1 is depending on computers

    i depend on wikipedia my friend on library
    my dad depends on his fone i depend on skype, msn
    my dad's office used to depend on paper files now its on computer files

    with all due respect i find this question to be a little absurd ... simple reason computers are 1 device doing a hell lot of things so obviosly people turning towards computers is more
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  • MaRo

    MemberMay 10, 2007

    Computers are the most important thing in any enterprise.

    or how I will work then 😁

    In some few cases computers are not important.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 10, 2007

    You guys got to read between the lines [​IMG] . I think the debate is actually trying to address a bigger issue that mankind will face in coming centuries ( 😕 )

    Of course, in today's world, we can't live without computers. Even our CE runs on Computers .

    [Sorry for this spam] 😁

    -The Big K-
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  • Rocker

    MemberMay 11, 2007

    😁 I took a pen & paper to write down something...and oh my gosh! I couldn't write!! 😐
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  • desijays

    MemberMay 12, 2007

    hehe lol.

    I understand your predicament with regards to what you're trying to imply... if at all, that was what you were trying to say.

    I suppose that will happen one day.

    With all the things we indulge in to restrict the amount of walking we do, I wouldn't be surprised that in a couple of millenium if humans were being born handicapped...

    "I think computers could do the same to our mind", I believe is what neha implied.

    I could be wrong. !!
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 12, 2007

    "I think computers could do the same to our mind", I believe is what neha implied.
    coming from an OSS user its a little surprising tht even after being able to make linux work as u want to u feel tht ur mind will handicapped

    the computer i feel has opened up more 'vistas' (in the literal sense) for all who know how to use it ... now u dont want me to post the advantages of computers
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  • desijays

    MemberMay 12, 2007

    You know, there is a reason why i put them in quotes. It implies that there is a 2nd party involved. And whatever said in between the quotes, represents that characters state of mind or opinion and not mine.

    And i made it clear, that its not even set in stone by admitting that I could be wrong.

    so as you can see..... the statement "Coming from an OSS user......." is invalid cos it didn't come from an OSS user if you're referring to me. And since you weren't referring to neha, I wonder under what context your statement makes sense.

    Grammer lessons..... anyone?

    so with all due respect, please read the post properly before you reply.

    And yes, the advent of computers opened up many vista's: good ones and bad ones!!!
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  • Rocker

    MemberMay 12, 2007

    no_atkt & desijays...please don't start the OS fight here 😒😁
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 14, 2007

    the statement "Coming from an OSS user......." is invalid cos it didn't come from an OSS user if you're referring to me. And since you weren't referring to neha, I wonder under what context your statement makes sense.
    bad ones!!!
    correction computer did not bring anything bad ... man used it for bad ... guns dont kill people, people do ;-)
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  • desijays

    MemberMay 15, 2007

    you are one funny dude/dudette.

    Nitpicking incarnate. lol

    Must be the juvi blood.!!!

    It shall pass 😀
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 15, 2007

    you are one funny dude/dudette.

    Nitpicking incarnate. lol

    Must be the juvi blood.!!!

    It shall pass 😀
    hey big k ur 50 character limit doesnt help in reducing spam 😔 for evidence read the quoted crap .... err sorry message 😉
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  • desijays

    MemberMay 16, 2007

    {spam alert}

    no wonder you call yourself the devils advocate.

    its hard to convince you that the devil on trial, is the advocate himself. 😉

    sometimes it makes me wonder how you tolerate yourself.

    i anticipate this thread locked anytime soon !!!
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  • desijays

    MemberMay 16, 2007

    no_atkt & desijays...please don't start the OS fight here 😒😁
    im so sorry mate. i feel sorry for you, Big K, xheavenly and all the rest going through this thread and unnecessarily bearing witness to our "splat exchange" lol 😉

    oh well, i feel sorry for me too. 😔
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberMay 16, 2007

    Before we go on with the topic there is something to clear up.

    As no_atkt had already pointed out:

    with all due respect i find this question to be a little absurd ... simple reason computers are 1 device doing a hell lot of things so obviosly people turning towards computers is more
    Why? For one, the debate she has initiated is very understated and naive (I am trying not to be harsh, and no hard feeling at all Neha, really 😀 ).

    "Is dependence on computers a good thing?"
    Neha, you must first decide and define what you mean by 'Dependence' or 'Computers'? Computers as in home? Offices? Factories, Space Shuttles?? Above you had used the words organizations and people. The uses of computers in both areas are very different. Next, how would you define 'good'? How far you go in making your life easier by using computers might be different for different people.

    Your debatable topic is excellent since I too had stated the same fact in my <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Now & Next 2007 Digit-all! | Search for Sirius</a> under Lifestyle Next_. Here is an extract:
    ...The new times are making us more comfortable and ‘content’ but with a price. Couch potato is a familiar term and we all know it affect us with increasing ease of technology. I am really afraid to predict the future where we have personal robots, automated homes and human-machine interface. Maybe we will just lie down and live our lives (If it’s ok to call it a “life”). Visit office from home; get food by robots, open windows/doors with the mind, brush teeth, automated flirting algorithms, and more scary automated ’stuff’!...

    So well, it may not be computers at all that screw our lives. It just might be our inherent human nature to strive for comfort. And hence because of technology we will attain it so much that we might, eventually, not exist physically, but just as cyber-beings!

    By Rocker: I took a pen & paper to write down something...and oh my gosh! I couldn't write!!
    By desijays: With all the things we indulge in to restrict the amount of walking we do, I wouldn't be surprised that in a couple of millenium if humans were being born handicapped...

    By Biggy: I think the debate is actually trying to address a bigger issue that mankind will face in coming centuries

    P.S: For the above 'spat exchange' I am itching to blame no_atkt for bringing in 'OSS' and Desijays for stretching the rubber-band. Biggie lets have a new section called 'CE-Kindergarten' ^_^ (No hard feelings again 😀 )
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  • no_atkt

    MemberMay 16, 2007

    if u read my post u might understand what i wanted to imply 😉
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