  • Here are all the features which are definately going to be there in theiPad3 which is going to be launched very soon.iPad3 will be launched within a week.

    iPad3 would have Siri inbuilt which is an personal assistant application for the users. Siri can perform tasks in your iPad3. iPad3 will also feature multitouch. The iPad3 will also feature an OLED display screen which wll have better graphics than the graphics of the earlier iPad.

    Since Apple is known for bringing up something new, so we can also expect some surprise features in the iPad3 which could make a new record in selling the Tablets. More Apple also has to be its competitors ( Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola Xoom ) which are getting popular alot these days.
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    AdministratorMar 7, 2012

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