  • MaRo

    MemberApr 23, 2008

    Infinite Electricity

    Hi Engiz

    I was watching old program for a scientist here was talking about some other scientist discovered how we can generate infinite amount of electric current.


    A wire made of certain metal (can't remind it) by cooling this wire to (-269 C - Liquid Helium temprature) it would has 0 resistance and charge the wire with electric pulse this electric pulse will just keep moving in the wire for endless time.

    I had some thoughts about it:

    1) This breaks the law of Conservation Of Energy

    2) What about energy consumption, if I connect the power to my TV, Laptop...etc. is it believable that electricity doesn't discharged?

    3)How this will be AWESOME!! :smile:

    EDIT: I'm looking for this video.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 23, 2008

    Are you talking about superconductors? 0 resistance of the wire can be achieved if you cool the material below it's critical temperature. Even so, I'd doubt an electric pulse will keep on moving in the wire endlessly. Electrons are also effected by magnetic fields.

    Plus, once you "tap" into the electricity for usage of devices, it's converted into other forms of energy 😀
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberApr 23, 2008

    Yeah MaRo this is possible. I think what you are talking about are called superconductors as ash just pointed out. This phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Onnes(i do not remember the first name). In certain metals at extremely low temp there is zero electrical resistance and exclusion of the interior magnetic field (due to Meissner effect).
    @ash: i think the electrons will keep on moving endlessly as their in neither any resistance nor any interior magnetic field.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 23, 2008

    @ash: i think the electrons will keep on moving endlessly as their in neither any resistance nor any interior magnetic field.
    Ah yes.. good point 😛
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  • MaRo

    MemberApr 23, 2008

    Yes, superconductivity.

    What about energy consumption, this needs to recharge the wire to keep electric current.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 23, 2008

    That's correct, its superconductivity. Superconductivity, in my opinion, does not break the law of conervation of energy. The total amount of energy will always be the same.

    However, since the conditions required to achieve superconductivity can be created only in Labs, I doubt there are any practical applications of this for common man.
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  • vissin

    MemberApr 25, 2008

    Superconductors is a topic that really caught my interest every since I bought an old Science in USSR Issue from a raddi-wala that discussed high temperature superconductivity. The temperature that you have mentioned MaRo is very near absolute zero and around that temperature almost anything would turn into a superconductor. The so called high-temperature superconductors I speak of too work at much less than zero degree and is not very practical as of today out of the controlled environment of labs.

    As for law of conservation of energy as The_Big_K said, it is not defied since there is neither generation nor consumption of energy in a superconductor that carries current. A superconductor can only be used to store current (there are many other innovative uses of it other than this. But I speak in context of this thread). If you load it, connecting to laptop for instance, the energy will gradually be destroyed (depending on the nature of the resultant circuitry).

    Alas! for fading memories and for the lack of time to refresh it... much of a man's passion drains out in due time.
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberApr 25, 2008

    As of October 2007, the highest temperature superconductor is a ceramic material consisting of thallium, mercury, copper, barium, calcium, and oxygen, with Tc=138 K.
    In February, 2008, another different family of high temperature superconductors was discovered. Hideo Hosono of the Tokyo Institute of Technology and colleagues found that lanthanum oxygen fluorine iron arsenide (LaO1-xFxFeAs) becomes a superconductor at 26 kelvin. Other researchers quickly found other materials in the same family that have transition temperatures as high as 55K. Experts hope that having another family to study will simplify the task of explaining how these materials work.
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  • Van Helsing

    MemberMay 8, 2008

    Let me try to answer this good question.

    Let's forget about temperature troubles and suppose superconduction is perfect at any temperature (while it is not).
    Let's suppose we made a close turn of superconducting wire and submerse it in a pulse variable magnetic field impressing some amount of energy on the electrons inside the superconductor. This produce an electric charge movement called electric current. I think it is not necessary to recall that electric current is a charge movement not an electron movement, electrons doesn't move at light speed, charges do. Charges are photons electrons are matter. But, what do we have after the superconducting wire turn was excited by the magnethic pulse? A current inside it, and no voltage. Since power is current multiplied voltage and voltage is zero, we have no power dissipation and the current flows making a magnetic costant field as usual. Costant field does not induce power either. What is it? A permanent magnet. Till somehow, we draw the pulse energy we use to make the current run on the superconducting wire turn.
    So we have ethernal (till the superconductin wire turn remains a perfect superconductor) but unusefull current. Current is no power, voltage is no power. Both are not energy. Current multiplied voltage is power, and power multuplied time is energy. 😎
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberMay 10, 2008

    Good points Larry
    I am being unable to give time to study this phenomenon in detail as i have to finish my course. But yes in a week or so i will have ample time to study as I am yet not satisfied with what you said ( don't mind, I am just being Franck, nothing personnel against you). And then I will plant my views for you to study and decide.
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  • Van Helsing

    MemberMay 11, 2008

    Yes, off course I'll never complain, this could be obvious for me, but it will take a little time to accept this strange, but not so much, phenomena for you. Awaile, if there's somenting I can say to convince you, just ask.
    There's a nice experiment to made with superconductors, it is to place a supercooled plate over a magnethic field. It does levitate till it warms up. This is becouse current is induced on the superconductor counteracting the magnethic field making a magnet itself. When it warm up resistance appears inside the superconductor and dissipating energy in joule's effect let it falls since no more counteracting magnethic effect will persist. If you search the net for superconductors you'll find a lot.
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  • Dexter_Neo

    MemberJun 14, 2008

    Well I think u guys are confused abt the superconductivity.well first of all as somebody posted that it stores the current,is a wrong statement its a conducter not a capacitor to store any sort of energy.And there is no question of Law of conservation of says we cant create and destroy the energy and thats xactly what happns in superconductivity,As i said its just a conductor not a capacitor to store a charge so if we connect any sort of load via superconductor Maximum power transfer can be acheived.

    Now what do u have to say on this Larry?????
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  • charger1369

    MemberJan 14, 2010

    hey im new here. im not really an engineer but ive had this idea for a while now and ive been dying to know if its viable.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJan 15, 2010

    Accordin to me Larry is correct we cannot use Super conductor(SC) to dissipate power.

    In SC there is no movement of free electrons there will be a movement of bounded pairs of electrons.

    SC can be used as a Magnet and is being used in MRI machines.

    I remember our lecturer saying in my Btech I year, if we could place super conductors as rail track the train can move in air 😀 Amazing correct!!

    Because of super conductivity!!
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  • lal

    MemberFeb 4, 2010

    In SC there is no movement of free electrons there will be a movement of bounded pairs of electrons.
    I think its the cooper pair.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberFeb 23, 2010

    Yeah! Its Cooper pair!

    After some googling I got it that it was named after its discoverer Leon Cooper!
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  • limestone7000

    MemberJun 7, 2010

    I doubt there are any practical applications of this for common man.
    correct me if i m wrong!
    but there're practical applications today! based on the Meissner effect, as said my raj.

    the applys to 'maglev trains' in japan!!
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  • aj_onduty

    MemberAug 26, 2010

    Mind if I break in?
    Ever heard about MEGs(motionless electromagnetic generators). The basic theory is thus.
    If we take a transformer and if we place a permanent magnet in its main flux path, we can generate electricity if we give a small excitation voltage in the primary.
    I did a research about it to know if it is a violation of LoC, but no, it isn't It uses vacuum energy. This is explained better by the inventor himself Thomas Bearden. Here are the links
    The wikipedia link
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Motionless Electromagnetic Generator</a>
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  • magelec

    MemberMay 23, 2011

    i am wondering how will you control that mass amount of electricity
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