  • Hello everyone. I'm currently doing a course in Engineering, Computer Science. I will be taking my GRE. But it so happens that by the time I'm done with it and I get to apply to colleges, I would be working. I just want to know whether it matters where I work and what position I hold. I mean to ask if the universities I apply for will care about where I worked and what kind of job I held. Thanks.
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  • N.Gowtham Raj

    MemberMay 8, 2011

    Re: Importance of work experience during admission

    It actually depends upon the country & university you choose....
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  • Sumit Chand

    MemberMay 15, 2011

    Re: Importance of work experience during admission

    i m in great need of this!plz help me.i m pursuing ma n currently i m in 3rd year 6th sem..i have a backlog whose exam i will have to give in month of dec.i m planning to appear in gre in aug-sept bt ma backlog marksheet will be in ma hands in march-april.i have heard thar till that time us universities are dne with the admission.gre is imp for me to give this year!plz suggest me smethng!
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