  • Among all the Indian Institutes Of Technology (IIT), IIT-Madras is turning out to be an innovation powerhouse. We've seen a lot of innovations coming out of IIT-M engineers in the recent times (see recommended reads below this article). The latest from IIT Madras is a budget friendly device that keeps a check on the stiffness of the arteries and alert about possible issues. The device can help prevent cardio-vascular diseases which are spreading among humans like wildfire because of unhealthy lifestyle, stress and unhealthy eating habits.


    The device is called ARTSENS, which is an abbreviation of Arterial Stiffness Evaluation for Non-Invasive Screening). ARTSENS uses ultrasound probe to rebound high frequency ultrasound waves into the body. The echo of the waves is picked up by the receiver and analysed to determine the overall elasticity of the blood carrying vessels.

    Dr. Jayaraj Joseph is heading the project at IIT Madras' Healthcare Technology Innovation Center (HTIC). Dr. Joseph believes that there are several factors like age and lifestyle that affect blood vessels and affect heart or brain. ARTSENS can help identifying premature vascular events and prevent heart diseases through an early treatment.


    The device developed by IIT's engineers is not only cost effective but also easier to use. There are existing gadgets that measure the elasticity levels of arteries; but they are complicated to use and are laborious. The images captured by these gadgets need experts for interpretation. ARTSENS automates the entire process and involves no imaging. The results can be read by anyone. The research team expects that their invention will prove very useful in public health sector, especially in mass screenings. The team's goal is now to validate the device at multiple medical centers all over the country before making it available for commercial use.

    Via: IIT-Madras comes up with quick route to keep heart disease at bay | India News - Times of India

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