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  • divya kumari

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    he resembles dharmendra father of sunny deol. Is my ans correct.
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  • Aman Goyal

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    divya kumari
    he resembles dharmendra father of sunny deol. Is my ans correct.
    hahahaha LMAO
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  • vin_xbox

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    He is Bikram Choudhury - a multi-millionaire Indian yoga guru and the founder of Bikram Yoga.

    Madonna, Lady Gaga are some of his eminent client.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    @vin: You are giving the answers so soon man!!! 😔
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  • vin_xbox

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    Hi Guru.......was it a compliment or a comment......😀
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    Hi Guru.......was it a compliment or a comment......😀
    Well, a compliment... Plus, it would be better if you give some time for the others, by posting the thread's link in the Looong thread... 😀
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  • vin_xbox

    MemberJun 22, 2011

    sure Praveen....... Heyy and did u find anything fr the 2day's one....#-Link-Snipped-#
    pls lemme knw.......
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJun 23, 2011

    sure Praveen....... Heyy and did u find anything fr the 2day's one....#-Link-Snipped-#
    pls lemme knw.......
    Nopes... Very tough! 😔
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