  • HEYYY friends can anyone please tel me how exactly r USB's detected in PCs..
    also r there any drivers that r needed?
    if so where can i get the code for writing these drivers?
    in which language to write them?
    i want it to run on symbian nokia to write them?
    basically i'm aiming for detecting USB from cel phone by connecting it to datchord and also browsing the USB..
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  • MaRo

    MemberApr 5, 2008

    To write a device driver you need the detailed specification of the device & the SDK of the platform you are writing the driver for.

    Just get the specification of the device you want & Symbian OS has good tutorials & stuff for how to develop on it.

    Language is according platform but I think as long as it is on cell phones it's Java, on Windows I wrote a driver for my camera it didn't work but It put me on the start of how everything works, I wrote in C & little assembly.
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  • loraandbush

    MemberApr 10, 2008

    OS detect USB automatically.
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