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  • grayhat

    MemberSep 29, 2012

    you can create the apps for any mobile os using adobe flex builder and eclipse using particular mobile simulator.if your going to use adobe flex builder
    1)you want to know the basics oh html or xml
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  • theAvinash

    MemberOct 1, 2012

    you can create windows mobile application in Visual Studio 2008..
    download video...
    it will help you ...👍
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  • bossbs

    MemberOct 4, 2012

    you can create windows mobile application in Visual Studio 2008 or visual studio 2012 it is maily design for creating the app.......
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  • bossbs

    MemberOct 4, 2012

    read the .net language it will help you to build the app...and help to work on the Visual Studio 2008 or visual studio 2012..
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