  • This is my 1st post on this technical forum.
    We are into manufacturing of Industrial Automation products, now starting to develop home automation products (affordable and technologically sound)
    I felt like getting ideas, from good brains participating in this discussion forum and share you all that we manufacture.

    Home automation have a look into the demonstration video:

    Feel free to add comments and share across the video.
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  • J Biswas

    MemberNov 3, 2013

    An a word the moderator:
    "Please do transfer the thread to the appropriate section".
    I was not sure of the category field, as we manufacture products in various fields: wireless modules, industrial automation, home automation, PLC, Energy Meters, PLC, custom automation products, PoS, SMPS, LED screens, and many more.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 3, 2013

    Welcome to CE @#-Link-Snipped-# . You have an interesting product. I've had an opportunity to use a similar product and the only concern I've had is about the size of the remote. I'd recommend replacing the remote with an app. The buyers for this product will definitely have an Android, iOS, Blackberry or Microsoft OS phone and would prefer using the phone as a remote than a separate physical control.

    Plus, you could make it programmable so that users can setup which light combination they want when they arrive at home.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberNov 3, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    Welcome to CE @#-Link-Snipped-# . You have an interesting product. I've had an opportunity to use a similar product and the only concern I've had is about the size of the remote. I'd recommend replacing the remote with an app. The buyers for this product will definitely have an Android, iOS, Blackberry or Microsoft OS phone and would prefer using the phone as a remote than a separate physical control.

    Plus, you could make it programmable so that users can setup which light combination they want when they arrive at home.
    I saw similar product at Banglore expo they have created a really smart home and they also cover all BlackBerry,Android and iOS. They are using mobile phone as a remote but they have some issues as they were using bluetooth as signal transmitter and receiver.
    ZigBee can be good option if we are planning for one central unit which is going to control whole home or industry.
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  • J Biswas

    MemberNov 3, 2013

    Our receiver controller works on Wireless (little different than Zigbee, we use our propriety protocol for the same), a protocol implemented over Chipcon devices. Its pretty stable and selling in industries from last 4 year, without flaw.

    The loads can be controlled by 4 methods:
    1) Touch as shown in the video
    This is a brute override over all systems

    2) Wireless remote controller (as shown the video)
    This is a brute override over all systems

    3) Wireless master unit (connected via USB to computer). There we have an application software via which you can do 3 things:
    3a) Control individual loads
    3b) Read sensor values viz. temperature, humidity, light, motion, gas etc. and then take action for the control loads
    3c) Set RULES to activate/deactive load on preset events. Ex: Rule1: Glow room light from 8PM to 11PM daily, Rule2: Glow staircase light on sensing motion near the staircase, Rule3: Switch on AC of bedroom if temperature rises above 28C
    And so on.......list is endless.
    These rules can be saved on computer (software application that we provide) OR save on the master unit. Master unit can then be disconnected and take in charge of the home control thereafter.

    4) A WiFi+Wireless module (fixed on the wall). Wireless side talks to sensors and load switch control units (same as 1, 2, 3 above)
    WiFi side talks to home router, smart phones, tablets, computers, etc. (directly over IP)

    I feel you are talking on the 4th part.
    If yes, that is under RnD now, we are going to launch that soon, starting with applications for Andriod, followed by windows and then Apple systems.
    (4) basically is the application interface of 1) 2) 3), base system remain the same.

    Does that answer your question to some extent?
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  • J Biswas

    MemberNov 3, 2013

    As for the size of the remote controller, trust me, this is the pain in the neck for us too. We planning to redesign the enclosure, but not finalized anything yet.
    I know a lot of Chinese companies are making smart devices for homes, and a huge number of distributors are available in our country for the same.

    But I am not aware of any native manufacturer of these home automation products.
    Today to automate a home takes a lakh to 1.5 or 2.5. Our prices would be much lower than those (with customized solutions). Lets see how the market accepts. We have just started on this.
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