  • zaveri

    MemberAug 16, 2012

    Here is an easy one.

    Once a circus artiste was on his way to his hometown, and he had to cross a bridge. the bridge was nearly old, and weather-beaten and it posed the danger of collapsing if overloaded. the bridge could not take loads more than 60 kgs. now the artiste alone was 59 kg, and he had with him three balls, each weighing half a kg, the sum total of all the weights which exceeds the capacity of the bridge. now how did this guy make it across the bridge in one piece with all his belongings intact ?
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  • nareshkumar6539

    MemberAug 16, 2012

    Once a circus artiste was on his way to his hometown, and he had to cross a bridge. the bridge was nearly old, and weather-beaten and it posed the danger of collapsing if overloaded. the bridge could not take loads more than 60 kgs. now the artiste alone was 59 kg, and he had with him three balls, each weighing half a kg, the sum total of all the weights which exceeds the capacity of the bridge. now how did this guy make it across the bridge in one piece with all his belongings intact ?
    Artist alone and 2 balls together is 60kg,the remaining one ball is in air.he walk through the bridge by playing with balls like every time 2 balls in his hands remaining one ball in the air.if he do like this total weight is 60 kg there is no overload and he crosses the bridge.
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  • Sean720

    MemberAug 18, 2012

    Artist alone and 2 balls together is 60kg,the remaining one ball is in air.he walk through the bridge by playing with balls like every time 2 balls in his hands remaining one ball in the air.if he do like this total weight is 60 kg there is no overload and he crosses the bridge.
    so he juggles them?
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  • zaveri

    MemberAug 18, 2012

    so he juggles them?

    Yes of course.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 19, 2012

    That is OK as a puzzle. However,it would not pass as an engineering solution. The ball that is in the air has to be thrown up to get into the air. This causes a downward thrust which adds to the weight, which will exceed the safe bearing load and the bridge will collapse.
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  • Reya

    MemberAug 19, 2012

    That is OK as a puzzle. However,it would not pass as an engineering solution. The ball that is in the air has to be thrown up to get into the air. This causes a downward thrust which adds to the weight, which will exceed the safe bearing load and the bridge will collapse.
    Whoa! That's an Engineer 😀 I thought, throwing the ball to the other side of the bridge before he could cross the bridge 😔
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 19, 2012

    Whoa! That's an Engineer 😀 I thought, throwing the ball to the other side of the bridge
    That is an ingeneur! Exactly what should be done.
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  • zaveri

    MemberAug 19, 2012

    That is OK as a puzzle. However,it would not pass as an engineering solution. The ball that is in the air has to be thrown up to get into the air. This causes a downward thrust which adds to the weight, which will exceed the safe bearing load and the bridge will collapse.

    the reaction force of course ! But overall the problem itself is an impractical one. because first a person has to either well talented or well trained to juggle and walk at the same time.
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