  • a simple question. Is giving a buck to beggars is really an appreciable thing to do??
    you may be kind to the heart wanting to help a needful guy, but doesn't it give rise to beggary and may have a negative impact on society. what do you think guys??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2011

    Why is it bad? You're feeding a hungry human! The point here is not whether you're helping the beggar get out of poverty. I stopped donating money at religious places long ago. My own policy is to keep some change whenever I'm driving and hand it over to a beggar. I wonder why people donate hundreds and thousands of bucks to rich temples. Isn't it more sensible to help other humans?
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  • Pensu

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    I think giving money is not the right thing. Help in any other way if you actually want to. I am telling you my personal experience, i have seen people running business out of begging. I am not saying everyone is like that but believe me or not, it can be a profitable business.....😉. And by giving money to beggars you are just helping THOSE businessmen....😉
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  • lovejeet

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    agree with pensu. It's becoming a business now. some gangs are activated in metro cities who first kidnap small childrens, make them disabled, and then send them on the red lights to beg. And even if you'll be giving out bucks so easily, so no- one will believe on hard- work, but just beg when you need....
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    Someone told me, 'Try offering the beggar (not children) a small job, and you will see how quickly they vanish!'

    Never give a child beggar money, rather give them something to eat (like a biscuit packet or a chocolate) which will give them some energy.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2011

    You are coming back from the grocery shop or a shopping mall. You are waiting at the square for the signal to turn green and that's when you see poor kids coming out of nowhere and begging you for money. Even if it's a bright sunny day, a cold shiver runs down your spine when you see that ghastly look on the face of that poor child.

    I agree with most of the points mentioned above. Giving them money/food doesn't solve a problem, but then what options do we have? 😕

    This birthday, I received an ecard from my father that had message which read something like,
    I wish that you live in a world that has -
    No Terror Attacks,
    No Diseases,
    No Poverty,
    No Illiteracy.

    I hope that wish comes true. 😀
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    I want to share a story of my friend,

    He was passing through one signal and there was a man eating thrown breads and other stuff, When stops that man came to my friend and asked him to give some money.
    My friend told him to clean his bike and i will give you 10 Rupees, and that beggar refuse to do that !
    (That beggar was very healthy and surely he can work at some place to earn enough for his lunch and dinner)
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    This birthday, I received an ecard from my father that had message which read something like,
    I wish that you live in a world that has -
    No Terror Attacks,
    No Diseases,
    No Poverty,
    No Illiteracy.

    I hope that wish comes true. 😀
    I hope your wish comes true.
    Hope floats...! 😀
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  • lovejeet

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    I want to share a story of my friend,

    He was passing through one signal and there was a man eating thrown breads and other stuff, When stops that man came to my friend and asked him to give some money.
    My friend told him to clean his bike and i will give you 10 Rupees, and that beggar refuse to do that !
    (That beggar was very healthy and surely he can work at some place to earn enough for his lunch and dinner)
    hahahaha...............when he will get by just sitting idle, why would he do anything like that...😛
    the condition is getting worse. Its like let there are 100 pits, 10 having rats and and others having snakes. so just to feed the rats, you have to feed every pit, contains snakes too....
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    MemberDec 18, 2011

    No beggar comes near me just by looking at my face 😛
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    No beggar comes near me just by looking at my face 😛
    Hehehe, really?! 😨
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    Bangalore traffic being what it is we were stuck for a while in the old airport road signal. As usual a chap in tattered clothes and a child on the hip tapped on the glass begging. While I was fishing for change I heard a phone ring. None of us in the car had a phone. The beggar dashed off to the pavement took out his cell phone and was jawing away!
    All I am sure about is that the child was not speaking yet. So it did not have a cell phone.
    We donate directly to different orphanages for a day's meal for all inmates.
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  • Gandalf

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    In Mumbai , Surely looks like Begging is a better business
    I would like you all to check links below


    Would Request all crazyengineers to buy and give food , consumables , clothes instead of money .

    We can have some suggestions on employment development for them
    One of them:
    1. They can be the best security guards against terror attacks by acting as informers
    As they have a better network at tourist places than anyone else shouldn't we use it ???
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 18, 2011

    Begging's been turned into a business for sure; but yet; shelling out just a few rupees shouldn't be a problem. I think poverty can be tackled and brought down by a huge margin if simple steps are taken. It all boils down to the administration issue.

    Let me give you an example. If you go to any Railyway Station in India - you'll find beggers all over the platform that they make the lives of passenger hell! The fix is simple - the revenue that the station collects through 'platform tickets' can easily be used provide basic jobs to these beggers. For example, why not hand over brooms & uniform to them and ask them to keep the platforms clean? Or, give them some basic education and turn them hawkers and provide them with appropriate place to sell goods; like water bottles, chips etc. I don't exactly know how this can be implemented; because I've no clue about the revenues Railways make through platform tickets. I'm quite sure people will happily pay a little more if they get all the cleanliness and facilities.
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    I have two differnt views on this topic, my 5 yr old nephew was donating little cash for the street beggars the other day and a beggar asked him to wait- while she was answerign her cell phone!!!??

    I have the habit of feeding the stray animals with bun and other edibles, this sight was horrifying experience for me. I fed a stray dog with a bun and from no where a man rushed, shooed the dog and took the bun, I still cant just forget it.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    I have two differnt views on this topic, my 5 yr old nephew was donating little cash for the street beggars the other day and a beggar asked him to wait- while she was answerign her cell phone!!!??

    I have the habit of feeding the stray animals with bun and other edibles, this sight was horrifying experience for me. I fed a stray dog with a bun and from no where a man rushed, shooed the dog and took the bun, I still cant just forget it.
    shit man x😔
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  • lovejeet

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    Begging's been turned into a business for sure; but yet; shelling out just a few rupees shouldn't be a problem. I think poverty can be tackled and brought down by a huge margin if simple steps are taken. It all boils down to the administration issue.

    Let me give you an example. If you go to any Railyway Station in India - you'll find beggers all over the platform that they make the lives of passenger hell! The fix is simple - the revenue that the station collects through 'platform tickets' can easily be used provide basic jobs to these beggers. For example, why not hand over brooms & uniform to them and ask them to keep the platforms clean? Or, give them some basic education and turn them hawkers and provide them with appropriate place to sell goods; like water bottles, chips etc. I don't exactly know how this can be implemented; because I've no clue about the revenues Railways make through platform tickets. I'm quite sure people will happily pay a little more if they get all the cleanliness and facilities.
    the solution isn't that easy as it seems to be. The problem is, what if they are unwilling to do, because they are getting enough without it?? And even if you employ some of them, you can't handle all together to employ, they are in huge numbers nowadays. Even the rehabilitation centers are so much money centered that their priorities aren't to serve, but to fill their pockets. so it's again corruption the root cause.
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  • born_star16

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    Well begging has surely turned a business now. If you see in trains also, you will find physically fit people begging around. This is the easiest way they find for earning.
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  • CE Designer

    MemberDec 28, 2011

    People will always find a way to make money. Its human to do those things. BUT, can you tell who is genuine or not. I can't. For the child beggars, would we rather them be beggars or prostitutes, or slaves. They have to eat at the end of the day. Its not easy to say.
    I say forget your ego and feed them, buy them a drink and a snack. you dont know how that person got there.
    I know a beggar who was brilliant. He got sick and his family disowned him, he went crazy. What about him? Sometimes 'regular' people put them there.
    For the people that make is business out of it, we cannot control it, its the job of authorities to deal with it. They still get fed. Do your part.
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  • lovejeet

    MemberDec 29, 2011

    @CE designer- too good buddy........
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  • N.Gowtham Raj

    MemberJan 4, 2012

    You all guys are right.... Just offer ONLY food to a beggar who is either old & fragile or physically challenged.. But never for a healthy one....

    After all those above stuff including mine, may look like boasting our humanity.. But in long turn we are just increasing the population of beggars making our country more & more unfit and untidy to LIVE... There has to be a way for this...

    Best Solutions and Ideas are welcome... So that at least a few can follow.....
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  • lovejeet

    MemberJan 5, 2012

    there is something wrong with our economic policy too. rich are becoming rich and poor are becoming poor. we can't really eradicate poverty, but we still can make sure that noone sleeps empty stomach.
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  • CE Designer

    MemberJan 5, 2012

    Rich are getting richer yes. Why? Corruption. They steal, and when they steel its not from their own rich kind, they steel from the middle and lower classes who work hard and toil for their money. It is a sad reality.
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