  • Aashish

    MemberDec 22, 2008



    I am Ashish, a final year mechanical engineering student from Pune university. I am a very inqusitive person by nature (not nosy), so naturally my hobbies include figuring out how things around me work, surfing the internet, listening to music and watching movies.

    I joined crazyengineers because it seems like my kind of place, full of inqusitive people. Oh and my aim in life is to own a RR Phantom (black, of course 😎)
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 22, 2008


    I am Ashish, a final year mechanical engineering student from Pune university. I am a very inqusitive person by nature (not nosy), so naturally my hobbies include figuring out how things around me work, surfing the internet, listening to music and watching movies.

    I joined crazyengineers because it seems like my kind of place, full of inqusitive people. Oh and my aim in life is to own a RR Phantom (black, of course 😎)
    Welcome to CE, Ashish 😁 . We are sure you will find lot of like minded engineers on CE. Do help us spread the word in Pune University 😀

    Best of luck for the RR Phantom dream 😁
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  • anuragh27crony

    MemberDec 23, 2008

    hi Ashish .....welcome to CE forum :smile:

    You have great hobby "figuring out how things around me work"...
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  • Aashish Joshi

    MemberDec 24, 2008

    It's not just gadgets and stuff, but I like to figure out people too. What makes them tick. I believe if you think logically, you can figure out almost anything
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