Member • Aug 11, 2008
Greetings from Colorado Springs
*Engineering Trade: Well, there's a slight complication. I think I filled in "electronics", but in reality, I understand software engineering and electrical engineering as well. It was one of those situations where I graduated with a Computer Engineering degree... in 2001. Exactly. So, I refocused to hardware and computer architecture and got a Masters in that.
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
*Occupation: Temporarily unemployed; I worked in the semiconductor industry for 3 1/2 years until an untimely layoff and subsequent weakness in the sector are pushing me to other industries, such as renewable energy, building design consulting, heavy machinery, or general electronics consulting.
Work Experience: I worked as a Systems Engineer at LSI from July 2004 to January 2008, where I did product integration test, wrote embedded code to further that end, and also product support for some of LSI's biggest customers. Also, I was a teaching assistant at the University of Illinois for 2001-2003, which made graduate school a negative cost for me 😁
*Hobbies & Interests: Running (best 5K = 22:25), skiing (I'm fine as long as there's no moguls), hockey (eh... not exactly leading the league in points), ambient music (I've recorded some, and some of that is at Justin Kolodziej | Listen and Stream Free Music, Albums, New Releases, Photos, Videos)
*Aim in life: Die happy. The rest is less-important details. Not very engineer-like, is it? 😉 OK, I kinda want to help save the world from excess energy usage as well.
*I joined CrazyEngineers because: A forum for engineers? What's not to like? Here's how I found it: I checked in on Guy Kawasaki's Twitter and saw his link to alltop.com. They have an engineering section and one of the things there is CrazyEngineers!