Is it a debate topic? 😁
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Jul 29, 2008
yes K
i started this thread for those techies who believe in god.
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According to me...
Science is the rationality that man derives , so that he does not fear the happenings around him, now whether these explanations are right are wrong ..m sure we wont ever be able to find out. at every invention we think we have found out d best..
and in a couple of years we come up with a better one..
Now when we start to understand gods creation (US, nature) we realise we know almost nothing about it..
And until we do id like to asssume that god is a engineer, and a damn good one..
PS: I am not a strong believer in god but, i do appreciate the world around us.
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No opinions...
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How did you guess my secret....just don't tell anyone else :sshhh::sshhh:
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well this is a complicated question and deserves a confusing answer...
i feel that engineering is a human activity, and that certain humans that do certain activities pertaining to the design and construction of machines, electronics, etc etc etc, should for the sake of clarity in meaning call themselves engineers. To call GOD an engineer i believe does not clarify the idea of GOD. In my mind i can conjure up an abstract notion of what god is only in terms of omnipotent energy surrounding, consuming, and ultimately motivating ALL things in ALL space(the great great) and although engineering lies within the scope of ALL things it is a simplification to say that GOD engineers. Worse yet it is not just oversimplified, it is the personification of something far more vast than human persons. there is a cultural tendency(in my culture, all are different) to personify GOD as a big white MAN with a beard who sits on a cloud and conducts human activity! Obviously this is ridiculous but some people believe this and the root of the error, i believe, is the personification of GOD.
Perhaps the root is the notion that ALL things should be defined in terms of human understanding, isnt that the only context ALL can be defined in, because we are human? we are confined in our own understandings? In our perception of reality(engineers reality especially) GOD acts as engineer in so many applications. If relating GOD actions to the actions of humans helps the perception and conception of GOD than by all means GOD is an engineer and a chef and a cat and a flower and destruction and mistakes and birthdays and and and and......
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Member •
Aug 3, 2008
This is a really good post regardless of your personal beliefs! (inteligent, well thought out & supported with explanations) Thanks geococeo.
well this is a complicated question and deserves a confusing answer...
i feel that engineering is a human activity, and that certain humans that do certain activities pertaining to the design and construction of machines, electronics, etc etc etc, should for the sake of clarity in meaning call themselves engineers. To call GOD an engineer i believe does not clarify the idea of GOD. In my mind i can conjure up an abstract notion of what god is only in terms of omnipotent energy surrounding, consuming, and ultimately motivating ALL things in ALL space(the great great) and although engineering lies within the scope of ALL things it is a simplification to say that GOD engineers. Worse yet it is not just oversimplified, it is the personification of something far more vast than human persons. there is a cultural tendency(in my culture, all are different) to personify GOD as a big white MAN with a beard who sits on a cloud and conducts human activity! Obviously this is ridiculous but some people believe this and the root of the error, i believe, is the personification of GOD.
Perhaps the root is the notion that ALL things should be defined in terms of human understanding, isnt that the only context ALL can be defined in, because we are human? we are confined in our own understandings? In our perception of reality(engineers reality especially) GOD acts as engineer in so many applications. If relating GOD actions to the actions of humans helps the perception and conception of GOD than by all means GOD is an engineer and a chef and a cat and a flower and destruction and mistakes and birthdays and and and and......
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God is everyweer,he is everything..calling him just an engineer is baseless!!!....well engineer is part of many roles he plays!!!
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I, for one, am an atheist, and therefore don't have much of an opinion. But if there is a god, and he has the power to do "anything," I'm sure he could manage engineering. Really I'm replying because this topic reminds me of a joke:
A mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a civil engineer are all discussing what kind of engineer god is. The mechanical engineer says, "God is definitely a mechanical engineer. The body is composed of a series of levers, hinges, junctions... God has got to be mechanical." The electrical engineer says, "No, he's got to be electrical. Nothing in the body would move without the electrical signals that innervate the muscles!" Then the civil engineer chimes in, "Hah, no way, he's a civil. Who else would put a waste distribution plant next to an amusement park?"
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GOD(UNSEEN): It means the one and the only lord for all the universe, its creator, owner, organizer, provider, master, planner, sustainer, cherisher and giver of security.
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Can't he be both? When the beauty of nature make you feel awe-inspired and the intricacies of human body take you by surprise, you feel God has to be both. An artist's soul trapped in an engineer's body.. or vice versa? Will we ever know?
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