Member • Dec 3, 2006
Fat & Ntfs
I am curious to know about the difference between FAT & NTFS hard drives. What are the advantages & disadvantages of using FAT/NTFS?
Member • Dec 3, 2006
Member • Dec 4, 2006
Member • Dec 4, 2006
Can you throw some light on NTFS and what is actually does??desijaysFAT is efficient if it is used on storage devices that are approxmiately 8GB in size or anything less.
If the storage device has more than 8GB, then it is advisable to use NTFS.
As for speed of access, FAT is inherently more faster since it lacks many of the security features of NTFS. But then again with faster hard drives that difference is negligible. Atleast not perceivable by us humans.
Member • Jan 4, 2007
Member • Jan 4, 2007
Member • Jan 4, 2007
Member • Jan 5, 2007
Yes i too know about the FAT file system with arch. and NTFS system arch.gr8chintuHiii dear,
Hear Main Diffrance between FAT & NTFS is FAT file system does not support security & Provide.. and NTFS partation support Security... this r main diffrance.. you can see it on your pc just right click on FAT and click on propertis and see there is no option for security.... same in NTFS partation there is security option .....