  • Syrian Electronic Army, SEA managed to hack the domain of the biggest social networking site, Facebook. On it's 10th Anniversary, Facebook was given Surprise when SEA managed to change the name server information (as claimed by the Hacker Group) of the facebook domain which is registered with Domain Registrar (MarkMonitor), but later Facebook Officials have confirmed, that only Email Id associated with the domain was changed.

    SEA says they have to abandone the process of changing the name server information as it was taking too much time.

    The SEA changed the email ID associated with the domain, available in who is information. It all started when SEA tweeted this from their official Twitter Account
    Happy Birthday Mark! #-Link-Snipped-# owned by #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-#
    Here is the captured tweet of their twitter account.

    You can see the tweets and more info on their official account (@official_SEA16)

    If they managed to change the name servers, millions of Facebook user account would have been compromised.
    What are your thoughts on this?
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberFeb 6, 2014

    Sanyam Khurana
    If they managed to change the name servers, millions of Facebook user account would have been compromised.
    What are your thoughts on this?
    Don't misunderstand these awesome hackers. They are not interested in your email accounts.They want employee accounts to gain better access. These people are just trying to spread the truth of CIA/FBI linkups with Al-Qaeda & lies about Syrian civilwar that are spread by US. If you look at series of hacks they've performed, you'll see something in common : US. And most of these companies which are hacked by SEA are the one who fucking accessing(infact tracking) your data without your permission! Google, FB, Twitter, Microsoft, Truecaller, etc.
    People like Bradly Manning, RMS (He's a prophet! Way ahead of our time), Edward Snowden,etc. make world the better place, not Obama or any of NSA puppets.

    I have to say so much about SEA, CIA/FBI <-> Al-Qaeda, NSA & why I prefer Opensource(It's not about free software, it's about control of your own data - freedom). But, I have exam today. Hence, I will stop here for now.
    PS : Stop reading news. Most critical news are fabricated.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberFeb 6, 2014

    Absolute truth @#-Link-Snipped-#
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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