  • Please give me the explanation for the following three topics that you suggested:

    1. Enhancing mobility support for integrated car alert and monitoring system.

    2. Simulation study of error rates in image transmission over 3G systems using different types of error control codes.

    3. Improving voice quality in VoIP by using erasure correcting codes.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 2, 2011

    Have you tried searching for more information on the Internet? What information did you find about all of these topics? Could you inform us what specific information related to these topics are you looking for?
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 2, 2011

    1. Even in the strongest of interference and weakest of signal the tracker should work...

    2. 3G Transmission is now popular. How is it better from other network models, like 2G and GPRS...

    3. In the case of Google Talk and Yahoo! Messenger, more particularly Skype, they all act on VoIP. What if the user uses a low bandwidth, the quality should be the same. That's what you need to find out a way... 😀
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    MemberAug 3, 2011

    jst give me little idea abt those topics of exactly wat we are goin to do in that... please reply me till nyt today... its urgent...
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 3, 2011

    That's what I said... Did you try googling stuff?
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    MemberAug 3, 2011

    i found out on internet... sir can u plz give me some additional information of what exactly will we have to present in our project selected from above... Sir can you do me a favour to reply me soon today itself by night... its urgent... Thanking you....
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 3, 2011

    Ok as far as I know, using the existing technologies, you are supposed to enhance the performance... 😀
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