  • Eupraxia is a National Level Technical Symposium conducted annually by the Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (AEEE) of SSN College of Engineering. From Paper Presentation and Project Display to Robotics and Circuit Debugging, the symposium comprises of events where the biggest battles of wits can be witnessed. Thousands of students throng to this technical meet every year. There are also numerous workshops being conducted during the event. Eupraxia 2k11, to be held on August 25th, is definitely the place to be for students who want to prove their mettle.

    Last date for paper submission for paper presentation is 15th August 2011

    Paper presentation topics:

    1)Renewable Energy Systems.
    2)Smart Grids.
    3)Power Systems .
    4)Electrical Drives .
    5)Power converters.
    6)Intelligent Control.

    Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
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