Engineers Who Have Changed The World

Let us make a collection of the names of Engineers who have changed the world.

I will start with a few names:

1. Archimedes.
He was a mechanical engineer in ancient Greece. He invented the Antikythera mechanism, called the first mechanical computer, but most importantly for history, he figured out how to use epicyclic gearing (which would come in handy for trains in the Industrial Revolution).

2. Leonardo DaVinci
He was not only an artist, but also an engineer, creating drawings of flying contraptions that would inspire generations of scientists after him.
I had written an article about him here: #-Link-Snipped-#

3. Thomas Savery
He was an early mechanical engineer, built the first steam engine in 1698. But that idea literally didn’t go anywhere until around 200 years later.

4. Alessandro Volta experimented with Electrical engineering in the 1800s, creating the first electric cell called the Volt.


  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    Some other names are:

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel
    He was a famous British civil engineer during the Industrial Revolution who created bridges, dockyards, and the first major British railway, in addition to steamships and tunnels. He revolutionized public transportation, and built the first tunnel beneath a navigable river.

    Ludwig Prandtl
    He is called the “Father of modern aerodynamics,” and institutionalized aerospace research at the turn of the 20th century. Through decades of wind-tunnel experiments, he and his research team learned about gas dynamics, wings, meteorology, boundary layer and resistance, and other vital flight information that set the course for aerospace engineering.

    Alan Emtage
    He is a computer engineer, built the first search engine in 1990, bringing the rapid rise of computer technology.

    Mokshagundam Viswesvaraya

    Great statesman and Civil Engineer of modern day Bharat. Well known for Krishnaraj Sagar lake in Mysore and many other notable constructions.

    Dr. Vijay Bhatkar

    Built Bharat's first super computer.

    Chandrashekar Vyankat Raman (C.V Raman)

    Nobel prize winner for Scattering of light and effect called Raman Effect.

    Subramanyam Chandrashekar

    Calculated "Chandrashekar Limit" as 2.864X10^30 Kg. Won Nobel prize for it (Nephew of C V Raman).
  • Gurjap
    Ah, good old Prandtl. You do see this man's name a lot when you study fluid mechanics of any kind. And that of his pupil, von Karman.

    Here's my favorite engineer, or rather engineers..... the Duesenberg Brothers, Frederick and August. Not formally trained as engineers. Made the fastest and the best of all cars in the 1920's. Invented little things like four-wheel hydraulic braking, straight-eight engines with overhead cam shafts and four-valve cylinder heads. And superchargers.
  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman
    PraveenKumar Purushothaman
    I don't know if I can mention Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but they have really done a lot of change to the world... As Steve said, these people have put a ding in the universe... Nevertheless to say, anyone in the world knows about these two, and that, is a change!!!
  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    ^ Great replies. Do a little more search people! I am sure we can find more great names.
  • durga ch
    durga ch
    I am personally inspired by Madam Curie(Marie Curie).I dont think she needs any sort of introduction, but she was the first woman scientists and won Nobel prize for her work in radioactivity
  • avii
    IMO the greatest Indian Engineer, Dr. Sir M Vishweshwaraiah !!


    Read more : Visvesvaraya !!

    This is a must watch documentary :

  • circularsquare
    Linus Torvalds.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Steve Wozniak & everyone here -> #-Link-Snipped-#
  • Gurjeet Singh
    Gurjeet Singh
    It was Nikola Tesla:The Discoverer of AC current!! People don't know about him as much as they know Edison.
  • Gurjap
    Nikola Tesla.... I think he invented turbines that utilized the no-slip condition (later explained by Prandtl) near the surface of the runner. Too bad the RPM of these was way too high for materials of that time to handle.
  • circularsquare
    Edwin Howard Armstrong - the father of FM.

    read his story - Edwin Armstrong

    His life was full of struggles.
  • Gurjap
    Next on my list: Charles Babbage. An eccentric englishman, and a mechanical engineer, who made the world's first working mechanical computer. His ideas on mechanical computing are brilliant, and will see action in the future in miniature MEMS-based computers intended for high-temperature computing.

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