  • Electronics engineers may pick up this idea for their third or final year project: Developing a smart bluetooth mouse.

    Computer mouse is an integral part of computer system and acts an important form of input. The bluetooth mouse makes the mouse go wirefree. Currently the available computer mice are powered by an AA size battery. When the mouse is not in use, the mouse does not automatically turn itself off. This results in extra power consumption when the mouse is idle. This problem can be solved in following way -

    1. Have a mechanical sensor at the bottom of the mouse which will detect motion.
    2. When the mouse is not in use for more than 5 seconds, it will turn the laser sensor off and even turn off the bluetooth.
    3. When motion is detected, the mechanical sensor will activate the bluetooth and laser sensor again.

    This system will save power and provide a longer battery life.

    What do you think about this idea, folks?
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  • abhir doifode

    MemberDec 24, 2011

    i think superb can u guide me in this project so that i can make it her there is just idea can u tell me more eleborately and in details!!!!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 24, 2011

    abhir doifode
    i think superb can u guide me in this project so that i can make it her there is just idea can u tell me more eleborately and in details!!!!
    I've given you an idea. Why don't you figure it out on your own? Put in some efforts on your own instead of asking for ready made help.
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  • mani4astro

    MemberDec 24, 2011

    Nice idea..will think how can we work to implement it..
    sir i have an to know whether it is possible or not..?
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  • abhir doifode

    MemberDec 24, 2011

    i am not saying to give me ready made help or project i am just saying give me outer outer details or option so that i can start on this project what kind of softwares or base is required etc etc let it be i ll manage my shlep only and ll sure come up with better idea and little bit more help for new engg who r doing projects for 1st time bcoz those who r not from ploy they r new to projects and application and all i guess its now u r favourite statement I've given you an idea. Why don't you figure it out on your own? Put in some efforts on your own instead of asking for ready made help i heard same statement in ted x nagpur let it be my mistake !!!!!!
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