EEG based emotion recognition using DSP processor

Project Abstract / Summary : ABSTRACT:
In daily interactions, humans convey their emotions through facial expression and other means.There are several facial expressions that reflect distinctive psychological activities such as happiness, surprise or anger. Emotion recognition could be done from the text, speech, facial expression or gesture. In this paper, we concentrate on recognition of “inner” emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. We propose real-time fractal dimension based algorithm of quantification of basic emotions using Arousal-Valence emotion model. Two emotion induction experiments with (i) International Affective Picture System (IAPS) (ii) International Affective Digital Sounds (IADS) database were proposed and implemented. Finally, the real-time algorithm was proposed, implemented and tested to recognize six emotions such as fear, frustrated, sad, happy, pleasant and satisfied.Real-time applications were proposed and implemented in 3D virtual environments. The user emotions are recognized and visualized in real time on his/her avatar adding one more so-called “emotion dimension” to human computer interfaces.

Keywords: Emotion recognition, Electroencephalogram (EEG), Fractal dimension

Why did you choose to work on this project topic : Mostly People's expression from outside is not same as inner side .And also People act differently in different way but inner emotion is different.we can not understand physically about human emotion and psychology. Because of misunderstanding its lead to many problems. So I thought why we,engineers could not do something so that we can recognize the emotion of human.After Googling and through many discussion We decided to design an algorithm which would recognize the Emotion and Psychology of human.

Project Category : Electrical / Electronics / Communication
Institute/College Name: PSNA college of Engg.& Tech.
City: dindigul
State: Tamilnadu
Participating Team From: Final Year


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