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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 10, 2014

    kul pandey
    Please suggest me how can i get a good job
    Why don't you upload a bio data describing what you are good at? Maybe some one here may get to know about some one wanting a fresh grad for work and put you on to it.
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  • kul pandey

    MemberOct 10, 2014

    Thanks for your suggestion sir,.......
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    Hello Sir,

    I completed engineering from ECE 2013 and i have 1 yr. of Exp. in non electronics company. and i dnt have a job nright now. so i want to get a good job for this i am thinking to do any course but i confused which course should i join.please help me sir. as discussion from our seniors some says go for automation some says for IT.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    ECE is not my area. However, I am seeing more and more mechatronics, robotics and additive manufacturing being introduced even in small/medium industries. All of these require ECE background. Also IoT (Internet of Things) is gaining importance world wide.

    You can discuss with others in the field about these emerging areas.
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    sir in india what is IOT scope
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    Rajat Bhardwaj
    sir in india what is IOT scope
    There seems to be a good scope for this in India also. From discussions with senior designers it appears that Indian appliance manufacturers are seriously looking at IoT.

    Robotics and 3D printing are already widely in use.
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  • Rajat Bhardwaj

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    is there any institute of IOT in your knowledge
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 15, 2014

    As I mentioned earlier, this is not my area. To my knowledge there is no course available for IoT. However, there must be many places where embedded systems courses are available.
    You can look at some of these links for more on IoT, though these are not from India.


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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberOct 16, 2014

    A Google search threw up this:
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Google</a>
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