  • An interesting point popped up here: #-Link-Snipped-#

    Almost everyone has a social media profile these days and the most popular choices for social networks seem to be Facebook & Twitter. However, the common problem with social networks is that the information is not verified and it's easy to fake any profile information you want.

    These days, lot of companies are focusing more on checking your social profiles and using it as a parameter while selecting candidates. May not be very relevant at entry-level recruitments but important at lateral recruitments. I'm wondering whether your social network profile matters. Do we have any real life experiences where social network had some influence in recruiters decisions?

    I'm also wondering whether we've HR managers here. If yes, tell us whether the profiles & information on them really matters? Could be a very relevant and important information for all the job seekers!
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  • durga ch

    MemberDec 21, 2011

    :-|, one of my collegues who was onsite immediatley started updating her FB on the very first day . her TL walked upto her desk and asked " what have you been doing today?", she blabbered soemthing he said -" i ahve ben gettting your FB notifications almost every 10 mins " and walked away 😛.
    Thats one disadvantage of FB or having higher management in your friends list. They will automatically be involved in your personal stuff apart from that, I came to know that few companies are now choosing twitter as recruiting medium, hence there is even more chance of the profiles to be verfied
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  • Gandalf

    MemberDec 21, 2011

    It is being considered by employers for candidates performance in company and waste of time due to his social networking activities .

    In smaller companies,
    It is done in those companies where employees are given a free hand without restrictions to judge his passion for work, commitment and target completion

    if you complete your targets no one is bothered what you do

    In bigger companies there is a check on employees social activities for employees on sensitive projects !!!
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 21, 2011

    An interesting point popped up here: #-Link-Snipped-#

    Almost everyone has a social media profile these days and the most popular choices for social networks seem to be Facebook & Twitter. However, the common problem with social networks is that the information is not verified and it's easy to fake any profile information you want.

    These days, lot of companies are focusing more on checking your social profiles and using it as a parameter while selecting candidates. May not be very relevant at entry-level recruitments but important at lateral recruitments. I'm wondering whether your social network profile matters. Do we have any real life experiences where social network had some influence in recruiters decisions?

    I'm also wondering whether we've HR managers here. If yes, tell us whether the profiles & information on them really matters? Could be a very relevant and important information for all the job seekers!

    I don't think it will help to blindly believe the fake profile information (Education, Work Exp) on these Social Networking Sites (SNS). Instead you can check the same on LinkedIn. Or for that matter, the companies can check CE for the candidate's profile .

    But in case of a valid profile of the candidate, the SNS would help the recruiters find out more (for eg: likes, interests) about the candidates.

    PS: I hope the SNS does not matter during recruitment, because I don't hold an account on either of the SNS. 👀
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