Member • Apr 15, 2008
Do we have to call MBAs as Professionals?
Well Iam really scrambled here, Can any one help me out?😁
Member • Apr 15, 2008
Member • Apr 15, 2008
vivekji😔Well it's a matter of fact that MBAs do proclaim themselves as professionals.
Well Iam really scrambled here, Can any one help me out?😁
Administrator • Apr 15, 2008
Member • Apr 15, 2008
Member • Apr 15, 2008
The_Big_KWhat is your definition of a 'professional'?
Member • Apr 15, 2008
Member • Apr 15, 2008
kidakakaAwww shucks! C'mon thats unfair! If this is some disgruntled programmer venting his anger against his PM, then fair enough, go ahead ... although this is not really the place. But if you really meant that, then why?
As an engineer is made to understand the technology (of his domain), an MBA is made to understand the various aspects of business. So how different is an MBA from an engineer? An engineer uses his mind to study and improve upon that technology platform, an mba uses his mind to study and improve upon that business process.
If you think that an MBA is not a professional, then neither should an engineer as well!!
Member • Apr 16, 2008
hehehe * searches for his PE license *ashwell.. officially, engineers aren't "professionals" until they attain their PE license 😛
*hides around the corner*
vivekjiTo be honest, in professionalism Ethics plays a major role, and almost all Engineers abide to it.
But when you are working in a business domain, U have to Compete with others,U have to work on strategies that would captivate people.i.e cheat people.
Engineers never recommend ads, But MBAs do it.
Administrator • Apr 16, 2008
A Professional is a person who shall abide to all the written and wnwritten laws and bylaws, of the engineering or medical society which he serves, and does work in accordance with it, He thinks and does things ethicallyMBA aren't alians. Most of them are Engineers with special qualities and knowledge. Why should we debate on weather MBAs are professionals?
Member • Apr 17, 2008
Member • Apr 22, 2008
kidakakahehehe * searches for his PE license *
Vivek,Are you implying that ethics are imparted by what education you undergo? Does that mean that the illiterate people are unethical? Or are you saying that they teach you to be unethical in MBA 😒
- captivate != cheat
- What does recommending ads have to do with ethics? An ad can be called a great ad just because of the visual imagery or the symbolism involved in it as well (the famous superbowl ad of Apple which was aired only once).
Be a engineer, be logical man
Member • Apr 22, 2008
The_Big_KI couldn't get vivekji's point.
MBA aren't alians. Most of them are Engineers with special qualities and knowledge. Why should we debate on weather MBAs are professionals?
[Btw, appraisal times are around. We are bound to get such posts! muwahaha 😁 ]
Member • Apr 24, 2008
😀 Vivek,vivekjiWell i need not attend,😎 every argument, i am invited to
Mr.Kid I just meant that professional is a person who creates and thinks ethically.
I never intend to arouse you!
Member • Apr 24, 2008
Administrator • Apr 24, 2008
Member • Apr 24, 2008
Member • Apr 29, 2008
gohmToo true, there are unethical people in all professions. Typically a "professional" is used to describe someone employed in the "white collar" sector and many times someone in middle management or above. To me personally, the definition of a professional is about one's integrity, honesty & ethics and has nothing to do with the career type. There are lot of professional janitors or "blue collar" workers out there that could teach a lot of "white collar" folks!