Oh yes, forgot to add - Make sure your questions are the 'Interview' Questions. Don't post your 'C/C++' related problems 😉
-The Big K-
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"Can I have a complimentary copy of your book, pretty please?" 😛
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"Can I have a complimentary copy of your book, pretty please?" 😛
You think I'm joking? Can we have better questions, please 😁
-The Big K-
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Sorry 😉 Hey, who knows, maybe you need to add some humour in the interview to lighten things up! Anyway, I'm not too familiar with the author, so I just googled him up.
what about: "What is the main challenge to author/write about a technical language such as C so that even those who have no knowledge in it will quickly learn"... or something like that. hmm..
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Sorry 😉 Hey, who knows, maybe you need to add some humour in the interview to lighten things up! Anyway, I'm not too familiar with the author, so I just googled him up.
what about: "What is the main challenge to author/write about a technical language such as C so that even those who have no knowledge in it will quickly learn"... or something like that. hmm..
Good question, Ash 😁 !
I don't know about Malaysia, but "Let us C" is read by almost all CS students in India 😁 . What say, fellas? Have you read 'Let us C'?
He has many top ranking titles to his credit. I'm going to ask him about his early days after post graduation. Of course, its not going to be a 'serious' interview. But this is our chance to extract as much as possible (with the possible exception of complimentary books) in a short time.
So there will be serious, techie type of questions (hopefully) and a rapid fire which is going to be 'funny' 😁
Keep flooding your questions, fellas!
-The Big K-
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How about something like.. what is the importance of C in today's world.. or what is the future of C with the advent of JAVA and stuff.
Or do you think those are too general?
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Good questions, waiting for more! 😀
CEans! Keep adding your questions!
-The Big K-
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Member •
Sep 7, 2007
"Sir, you are a mechanical engineer. What motivated you to join the computer world?"
"Tell us about the toughest programming challenge you have faced in your career"
Please tell me if these questions look ok. I will add more later.
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Wow, good Q's Elisa! and yea we should have more humor like, is it possible for youto give all the members of CE a free copy? OR a little more serious.
"What do you think about your books being sold by street vendors for half the price?? Do you support free distribution of knowledge?"
OR something more serious.
"What made you getup one fine morning and think of writing a book? What was your motivation?"
And beggie if he can join the forum, we will fry him up with much more difficult questions.
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I'm going to ask him to do that but the probability of Mr. Kanetkar joining forum & posting actively is like 1/344994888995920. 😛
Waiting for more questions !
-The Big K-
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Member •
Sep 10, 2007
Finally something called Language D(m not joking !!) has arrived; as a re-engineer of C++, though pretty influenced its not a variant of the same, but by Java, C#, Eiffel and some special features include mixins. Do you think this new language can be as efficients as the rest ?
For more info on Language D
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Hi Biggie,
Here is one of the question that I myself always wanted to ask to Yashwant Kanetkar. Though it is a bit negative question but I know you will be able to frame it quite well 😀.
"All the books that you have written on C are exceptionally good. But why is that your books on C++/VC++ and other similar stuff also follows the same pattern. 'Let Us C' being a procedural language the style of description suits its applicability. On the other hand books on C++/VC++ follows the same procedural approach while elaborating Object Oriented Concepts, which is, in a way an injustice to the Object Oriented Methodology. These books mainly talk about the syntax and the semantics of the language without emphasizing on Object modeling and the underlying change in approach to programing."
Biggie, in my question above I have tried to explain things in a bit detailed fashion and you may not state it as it is. Frame your own words and phrases that suits you and the momentum/pace of your questionnaire with him.
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Friends, we've (well, CEan Xero & I) had a wonderful time interviewing Mr. Kanetkar. The interview will go live on CE on 15th of this month 😀
We couldn't cover all the questions because of the limited time we had for the interview. We will continue to discuss Kanetkar Sir's replies to our questions.
-The Big K-
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Member •
Sep 11, 2007
I'm late !!!! 😔 I had few questions for Mr. Kanetkar 😔
waiting for the interview!!
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Fellas! Check out our front page! Our small talk with Mr. Kanetkar is live on CE!
Do not forget to post your thoughts in this thread 😁
Rock On!
-The Big K-
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Great interview! Thanks Big K and Xero.. can't wait for the next interview 😀
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I'm going to ask him to do that but the probability of Mr. Kanetkar joining forum & posting actively is like 1/344994888995920. 😛
Waiting for more questions !
-The Big K-
Asking a question out of blue😒 and No link with this thread...
Why you choose this number... 1/344994888995920 Any specific reason? I am a bit puzzled😕😕.
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even i am late!😔 but still atleast from s out here i would like to know the answer for this sentence by yashwant kanetkar-"After coming here, I found that I cannot😒 start a mechanical engineering industry."
to be frank,personally i am feeling very let down by this sentence. because as a mechanical engineer i [am sure even other mechies] dream of building my/their own automotive/aerospace production company.but often than not we dont get to know the reality problems. only when we get into that situation some years from now , we get to know the real problems/impediments and eventually give up the dream.
so, i would like to ask biggie/xero to get the answer for this one question[atleast by mail PLEASE]. because he has gone through this particular problem and would definitely have some answer & suggestion to this question.
so,once again i ask biggie/xero to get the answer for this question,please!!!
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even i am late!😔 but still atleast from s out here i would like to know the answer for this sentence by yashwant kanetkar-"After coming here, I found that I cannot😒 start a mechanical engineering industry."
to be frank,personally i am feeling very let down by this sentence. because as a mechanical engineer i [am sure even other mechies] dream of building my/their own automotive/aerospace production company.but often than not we dont get to know the reality problems. only when we get into that situation some years from now , we get to know the real problems/impediments and eventually give up the dream.
so, i would like to ask biggie/xero to get the answer for this one question[atleast by mail PLEASE]. because he has gone through this particular problem and would definitely have some answer & suggestion to this question.
so,once again i ask biggie/xero to get the answer for this question,please!!!
Hi Rosh,
First of all, let me explain why Mr. Kanetkar said that he found out that he could not start a mechanical engineering industry. Mr. Kanetkar did not come from a business family & was an aspiring entrepreneur 15 years ago. He tried to get funding to start the industry but could not gather enough money. That's why he started a computer institute - KICIT.
Now there is a lesson that we all can learn from Mr. Kanetkar. He did not give up on his dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Rather, he fought back & excelled in what he could do. KICIT is a successful computer training institute & Let us C is read by almost all engineering students. Big achievement, right?
The journey of entrepreneurship is not for everyone. I'm not discouraging you, but simply putting the facts. For any entrepreneur, the path is full of uncertainty and he/she must be prepared to fight any situation. There is no money in the beginning, no salary, no security and you have to put in your 200% in everything you do. Its not easy to be an entrepreneur.
But look at the rewards! Freedom, money & ability to be your own boss. In the end, its you who decides how you want to live your life.
I hope I've answered your query to some extent.
-The Big K-
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Hi All,
This is Deepak. I'm very glad to be in this community...
Thx 4 everything...
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Good to have you on CE. Please post your detailed introduction in our Introductions section 😀
-The Big K-
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