Difference b/w http and https

can any one answered me what is the difference B/w Http and https in detail


  • Abhishek Rawal
    Abhishek Rawal
    Http (Hyper Text Transfer protocol) is a protocol in which information been passed back & forth between servers & clients.
    In http web is connected with you with using insecure language, it means some one can take a look at your details if you are sharing anything with http.

    Https (Hyper text transfer protocol secure), The last term "secure". You always notice that online payment been done with https, this way your computer is transferring data in secure mode, which is safe . so noone can take look into it.

    Every online purchaser should check before entering personal details that if its Http or Https.
  • monujatt
    https is secure while http not...
  • Anoop Kumar
    Anoop Kumar
    HTTPS uses SSL(secure socket layer) by implementing Handshake protocol which authenticate any data packet at both end ie: client and sever end. If at any end data is not authenticated connection will be closed.
    while HTTP only depends on browser encryption

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