  • Anil

    MemberOct 18, 2017

    Cryptocurrency - XRP (Ripple)

    Did anyone hear about Crypto currencies?

    Just interested to know what budding engineers have to say about crypto currencies, especially if you have heard about XRP (Ripple). Does crypto currency like Ripple have any future?

    Asking about Ripple as today a major ripple.comof ripple will conclude today.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 18, 2017

    Not sure about Ripple. It looks similar to Bitcoin but with some significant differences. In general, I believe that crypto currency is here to stay. I've not had a chance to look into bitcoins and understand how they function. Perhaps I'm already lagging behind the technology! 😀
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberOct 18, 2017

    Kaustubh Katdare
    In general, I believe that crypto currency is here to stay. 😀
    This is undermining cryptocurrency...
    Per payment domain specialist's speculations, cryptocurrency are going to replace any other form of currency atleast for currency exchange.
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  • Rahul Jamgade

    MemberOct 25, 2017

    Cryptocurrency is there to stay for a long time. Specially as it has features like secure transactions and anonymity. Also it is primarily decentralized and hence not under control of any single entity as opposed to centralized banking system.Also it is designed such a way that the production will decrease over a period and hence lead to increase in its value. This is a good proposition.
    Now a days you have thousands of bitcoin worldwide.
    Few countries have provided legal status to it . YOu have many trading platforms for crypto currency.
    Also to the best of my understanding Ripple is here to stay and has a market capitalization value of more than $10 billion.
    Few prominent Crypto currencies are Bitcoin, Etherenum, Ripple, Litecoin ... Bye the way there are anywhere between 700 to 900 different crypto currencies available.
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  • Shreya P@ndey

    MemberDec 13, 2018

    I guess Ripple is serving well. The numbers look pretty good when compared with Bitcoin. I have tried investing in Bitcoin before as I did earn a profit but it is a risky business. I pulled back after a while when I had earned some profit from my investment and just stuck to the stock market. Stock market is a simpler option as I know my [url=""]share market basics[/url] and try to keep learning about newer strategies to improve my investments. I read about ripple being a private company and having a lesser transaction time but I am not sure why Bitcoin is as famous and not ripple. I really don't understand all about cryptocurrencies. 

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