  • CEans, I'm happy to announce that CrazyEngineers has partnered with the biggest science & engineering festival in the USA - USASEF 2014. CrazyEngineers has become a 'Krypton' level partner with USASEF. This is the third time we're associating with the festival starting with the first festival in 2010 and second in 2012. Check US President Obama's address to people about the festival -

    The festival has seen best known names in Engineering interact with the attendees, deliver speeches and deliver presentations along with several companies demonstrating science & engineering projects.

    The event is scheduled on 26-27 April 2014. Stay tuned for updates! 👍
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  • Chitti

    MemberFeb 23, 2013

    That's really a great news #-Link-Snipped-#. Looking forward to all the updates & announcements.
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