  • I have got an idea of converting the unused mechanical energy from the rotation of wheels of various automobiles to useful electrical energy..

    First of all we will use a dynamo to extract the electrical energy from the rotating wheels..
    this electrical energy can be given to step up transformers for acquiring greater electrical limits...
    then this acquired voltage will be given to various passive components to produce constant voltage as per the requirements..
    the produced voltage can be used for various purposes or can be stored using a capacitive storing equipments...

    for example this voltage produced by the wheels can be used for the head lights and tail lamps of the vehicles...

    is this type of concept is possible and whether can this be implemented???
    looking forward for valuable comments....
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberJun 21, 2009

    Re: convert unused energy into a useful one

    To implement this, we need a dynamo and converter.

    This adds weight to the car thus reduces the mileage of it.

    So we need to take the weight also into consideration.
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  • silverscorpion

    MemberJun 21, 2009

    Re: convert unused energy into a useful one

    I think such systems are already in use. Not sure!!
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJun 21, 2009

    Re: convert unused energy into a useful one

    Its hybrid technology and already in place ... Ummm I guess in Japan 😕

    They save energy generated due to rotation of wheels and energy generated due to breaking.

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  • Differential

    MemberJun 21, 2009

    Re: convert unused energy into a useful one

    I have got an idea of converting the unused mechanical energy from the rotation of wheels of various automobiles to useful electrical energy..

    First of all we will use a dynamo to extract the electrical energy from the rotating wheels..
    this electrical energy can be given to step up transformers for acquiring greater electrical limits...
    then this acquired voltage will be given to various passive components to produce constant voltage as per the requirements..
    the produced voltage can be used for various purposes or can be stored using a capacitive storing equipments...

    for example this voltage produced by the wheels can be used for the head lights and tail lamps of the vehicles...

    is this type of concept is possible and whether can this be implemented???
    looking forward for valuable comments....
    I have something to say here. When you use dynamo, you produce load on wheel causing reduction in output kinetic energy. Here you use a part of output kinetic energy to run your dynamo.

    So what's the purpose of using engine power to run head and tail lights. As electricity generated using this method is not constant.

    Let me know what you say.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJun 21, 2009

    Re: convert unused energy into a useful one

    I suppose it would be more useful as a braking application then, as mentioned by CB. It wont continuously run lights per se, but storing the charge would at least make the output smoother.. as opposed to making the lights work only when you brake 😛
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  • lal

    MemberJun 22, 2009

    I think we wont have energy saved by this one! Adding up all expense and gains there will be a loss!!!
    But we can think of other ways...
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