Member • Oct 29, 2013
Conversion related problem:
QUESTION:If the earth diameter was halved then what would be the duration of 1 day?
Member • Oct 29, 2013
Member • Oct 29, 2013
Member • Oct 29, 2013
Member • Jan 20, 2014
I just got a small doubt.If earth's diameter is halved,then the duration for which the sun light is exposed to a particular area on the earth also decreases,which makes the day seems to be shortened.A.V.RamaniWhat has that to do with the price of fish?
Our moon's diameter is about 27% of Earth's. Its day is 29 of Earth days. Length of the day has to do with the rotation of the object on its axis and not its size.
Member • Jan 24, 2014
If the speed of rotation does not change and remains 24 hours, the length of day will continue to be the same whatever the diameter.Sindhu ChowdaryI just got a small doubt.If earth's diameter is halved,then the duration for which the sun light is exposed to a particular area on the earth also decreases,which makes the day seems to be shortened.
Or if the diameter is halved and if we assume that the mass of the earth also decreased,then he velocity with which the earth rotates automatically increases.This is because to escape the gravitational pull of the sun.In that way also the day is shortened.
I don't know if my analogy is right or wrong.Correct me if I am wrong.
Member • Sep 15, 2014