If I had those stickers then I would cut out those in their shape and paste them on a light bulb or tube light and switch on that so that I would get a reflection of CE logo in my room. And also I would add colorful cellophane sheets to make logo colorful. 😛 😛
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Is one chill place for the fun loving geeky engineers ! No clichés, just crazy engineering
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#-Link-Snipped-# Are there total two "Giveaways" having same prize, or they are merged to one?
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Those are just two threads but considered as one. We thought the first one wasn't really creative and have decided to start a new one.
#-Link-Snipped-# - Please note that you will have to participate by completing the following:
"I think CrazyEngineers ....[your comment in < 20 words] >
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#-Link-Snipped-# what do you want me to write ??
I mean do I have to write about my experience with CE or why CE is good or required all that ?
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Bhrigu Malhotra
#-Link-Snipped-# what do you want me to write ??
I mean do I have to write about my experience with CE or why CE is good or required all that ?
You can write absolutely anything; just start it with "I think CrazyEngineers ...."
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I think CrazyEngineers is a great forum where people can interact with other engineers of same field or other so that they can get their query or problems resolved and post different threads and also can download many study material, etc. Well I think CrazyEngineers is a best way to interact with other engineers all over world.
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Constant updates about new cutting edge tech, super puzzles, healthy discussions, chance to make friends plus CE give you opportunity to earn
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Crazy Engineers -> yes we are crazy about this website.The one place to share your thoughts and experiments to the world.I am still sharing my thoughts here. 😀
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I think CrazyEngineers is such an extraordinary and authentic engineer's portal.
Where best knowledge is shared in all engg aspects & looking forward long relationship with CE.
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I think Crazy Engineers is a great portal where people can interact with other engineers of same field or other so that they can get their query or problems resolved and post different threads and also can download many study material, etc. Well I think Crazy Engineers is a best way to interact with other engineers all over world.
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** I think CrazyEngineers is by far the best engineering community online period **
CE has left no stone unturned, all in one adda for all the engineers
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I think CrazyEngineers is a freaking one stop site for the Engineers' all round requirement. 👍
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"I think crazy engineers is a good platform for discussing interesting engineering topics and sharing knowledge.It is ready to give responses within short time.
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I think CrazyEngineers proves name as it shares all engineering world related information under it's roof...........
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The name crazy engineers is enough to describe us. The site is just trying to convey that out job is not write or copy codes and execute it. It's far more than that. It's all about being creative. It's all about innovation and coming up with something which the world can never imagine. And as an engineer my family is huge. We engineers know what is hardship and respect as well as cherish our fellow engineers. I respect all my engineer brothers and sister and I will strive to keep the name of my stream always high.
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I think Crazy Engineers is a perfect blend of technical awareness, brainstorming and healthy discussions. Take a dose of crazyengineers and I bet you will become mentally healthy,technically wealthy and insanely wise.
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"Great way to Indicate the craziness one might find around the workplace of an engineer..."
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Please keep your responses to less than 20 words 😉😉
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I think CrazyEngineers is my daily dose of all happening things in this universe. It's just awesome way for me to start my day.
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I think Crazy Engineers is a best way to interact with all over engineers world.The name crazy engineers is enough to describe us
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*Not participating*
I think Crazy Engineers is a place where i understood true meaning of value and passion and ofcourse engineer.
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Crazy Engineers is the only website which makes me feel good of being crazy and craziness! (love and need your stickers badly!)
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I think crazyengineer is great start where one can be updated with the latest news on tech. & can discuss whatever he/she want to with crazy peoples.😀
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"I think CrazyEngineers is the only place where you can be updated with the latest inovations and news in the technology world with freedom to quote your reviews on it"
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Very nice entries. Keep them coming. We'll announce all the winners very soon! 😀
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When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love,To Be CrAzY EnGiNeEr—then make that day count
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I think CrazyEngineers is perfect in technical , brainstorming discussion. these solves most of our problems. It gives new innovotive ideas.
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I think Crazy Engineers is passion which energies me to feel the power that comes from focusing to each thread"
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I think Crazy Engineers are "A Real Engineers"....
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I love crazyengineers.com, its like heaven to me! Crazyengineers is like the biggest blossom in a tree, You are the paramount of Success, I think your website was born for me.
And if I get the stickers, then i will stick the stickers on my heart!😀😉
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Great responses so far!
Many newbies posting in this thread which indicates a good healthy growth #-Link-Snipped-# .
I already got it (so to just post my view) but can't resist to post here.
I love crazyengineers because " Its a one stop billboard where all crazy engineering ideas popping out now and then"
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I think CrazyEngineers is the only place where they built crazy ideas in young minds to become a start up Entrepreneur, by giving a clean slit about upcoming technologies, resources, etc.
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Keerthivasan R
I think CrazyEngineers is the only place...technologies, resources, etc.
forgot to add 'To Corners of the world'
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I think CrazyEngineers provides you a great platform to keep up-to-date with technology, CEans are always ready to help as much as they can and the more time you spend on CE more you feel like your second home.
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I think crazy engineers was really making good for technical works by connecting all other field or same field of engineers.
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Really really good work for an engineers who are getting help from others to make the world beautiful.
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I think crazy engineers is place that actually realized me (and is still doing so) how it feels like to be an engineer full of curosity and madness. Blessed to be a part of it.
Long live CE.
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Crazy Engineers is a great place to learn from other engineers - some of whom, unlike myself, appear to not be crazy...
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"I think CrazyEngineers is the family of Engineers where interactions,knowledge sharing happens among family members so crazily.
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I think CrazyEngineers is the best website in this category at present.
Loaded with so much information, you will never go back without answers.
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I think CrazyEngineers is all about the engineers for whom the world and share the knowledge in different facilities exists in society.
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I think crazy engineer website creates good and skilled engineers for our nation and it brings new innovative ideas to engineers
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I think we should remove the less than 20 words limit. I fear I am reading alternate forms of the same sentence. 😉
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I think crazy engineers.... are not implementing that much crazyness about technology or engineering.
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I think Crazy Engineers is a great forum for the emerging engineers to know the latest updates of their core... its simple ways of sharing knowledge..
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I think CrazyEngineers is nothing about craziness,
Its all about Creativity,Creation & Credence.
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I think CrazyEngineers is a good site for the crazy guys around who need a place to share anything and everything
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I think crazy engineers is a best platform to all engineers to develop our knowledge in our field, puzzles...amazing website...
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Update: Fresh Batch Of Stickers Ordered! Should arrive by end of this month straight from USA 😁.
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Kaustubh Katdare
Update: Fresh Batch Of Stickers Ordered! Should arrive by end of this month straight from USA 😁.
So cool as ever. Are they different from previous one ? Is there size variation?
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SarathKumar Chandrasekaran
So cool as ever. Are they different from previous one ? Is there size variation?
Nope, same as the earlier ones. We found out that these stickers are best for the laptops and most of the places where CEans have used them.
In the next few weeks, we'll have a limited edition stickers. These will be different than the regular ones.
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I think crazy engineers are the king of their own era
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I think "Crazy Engineers is the source of my knowledge"
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I think "Crazy Engineers" is the only forum for engineers where one can access tons of information.My best wishes to this forum.
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A gentle reminder to everyone who ordered the stickers in the first lot - please upload the photos of your stickers in our sticker showoff. We'd really love to see how are you using the stickers 😀
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Still stickerless I am. 😔
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Anand Vardhan
Still stickerless I am. 😔
Patience my boy, patience ! 😀
You'll get them soon.
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Sanyam Khurana
Patience my boy, patience ! 😀
You'll get them soon.
Hm. ☕
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I think we've made it clear - the next batch (2nd) arrives in our office on June 30th. The stickers should arrive at your places in the first week of July.
We're yet to receive photos of the stickers from those who got it in the first batch. We expect all the recipients to upload the photographs of their stickers.
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each gets how many stickers Kaustubh ?
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me too have not get anyy stickers .. and u have mentioned my name in ur 1st slot
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#-Link-Snipped-# - If you've received a call from us; then you were in the first list. If not, you'll be in the second batch.
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No , I hv'nt received any call .,,....ok then lets wait for a week more ..thanks #-Link-Snipped-#
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Am not crazy but am using the community crazy!!! soon i will become a crazy engineer 😀 Am proud to get the stickers and use it 😀
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The stickers are being sent out starting today. We had some issues getting the envelops printed which have been sorted out now. The major issue we've discovered so far is that people haven't entered correct postal addresses despite our repeated requests to enter correct details.
Those who've entered correct addresses will get the stickers in the next ~5-10 days. You will also get a phone call from CrazyEngineers. No phone call = No sticker was sent.
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Will i get phone call from CrazyEngineers?
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it looks superb...nice work by design team...i am eagerly waiting for that sticker...
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I got my stickers. As I'm travelling right now, Once I'm back @ home, I will post the photos. I've seen the 2 stickers sent to me on web cam. It is very nice to see.
Thanks for sending me the stickers.
Proud to see them.
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Informative, collaborative, a bit handy and its engineers crazy site.
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I got my stickers. As I'm travelling right now, Once I'm back @ home, I will post the photos. I've seen the 2 stickers sent to me on web cam. It is very nice to see.
Thanks for sending me the stickers.
Proud to see them.
I'm Expecting soon.!
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Waiting for your sticker's photos #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-# #-Link-Snipped-#
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Its a one stop portal to learn, share,discuss all about engineering and engineers!!!
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Received the stickers at Bangalore and had a quick look at them!
Will figure out the most appropriate places to stick them once back in the city 😁
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SUPER! #-Link-Snipped-# . That machine looks DOPE! 👍
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Member •
Jul 21, 2014
awww 😔 when is the next announcement !!? eagerly waiting 😭
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Guys, we request all those who've received stickers to upload the photos of your stickers. We've spent lot of time and money in giving away the stickers - and would love to see how you're using the stickers.
It's sad that despite our phone calls and promises, several of you haven't responded.
We've decided not to send stickers for free anymore.
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For the records sake, out of last 90 people we sent stickers to, only 15 have cared to upload the photos.
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Kaustubh Katdare
For the records sake, out of last 90 people we sent stickers to, only 15 have cared to upload the photos.
That is very sad. We are not asking you to come and post on regular bases but at-least they can share their pictures by spending few minutes only.
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