Chrome released 30.0.1588.0 with a major firefox import fix

Almost every month or in probably lesser time we are seeing a new release of Chrome.

Recently Google had promoted the previous 29 branch from Dev to Beta, an almost immediately a new 30.x branch has been made available for all the platforms.

Current marked status of Google Chrome is


Google Chrome 28.XX Stable / 29.XX Beta / 30.XX Dev

Major Fixes in the Dev Version:
Fixed Firefox Data Import Issue for default profile selection
Updated content_shell's blink_test_runner dependency ;
A histogram to measure parallelizable reads;

Have you tried your hands on this latest Chrome (Stable / Beta / Dev) Version. What do you think lately which is the most stable version of the Chrome??



  • Nayan Goenka
    Nayan Goenka
    I am currently using Chrome 28. It is good and the best browser right now according to me. Google is working at lightening speed to be the biggest application software company on the globe. And this entitles it with the responsibility of constant development of all its products. Chrome is a major one. Its on a right path.

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